Communists Enthused About Elizabeth Warren Candicacy

The Communist Party USA is enthused about Elizabeth Warren’s candidacy to replace Scott Brown as US Senator for Massachusetts.

Dan Margolis writes in today’s People’s World:

Progressive Democrat vies to take back Kennedy seat

WORCESTER, Mass. – Many here and around the commonwealth were unhappy to see Republican Scott Brown win the late Ted Kennedy’s Senate seat in 2010. Now they are throwing themselves into the campaign to elect former Assistant to the President Elizabeth Warren, who announced Sept. 14 she would run for Kennedy’s seat.

While many Democrats veered right after the Republican Party swept the 2010 congressional elections, Warren has continued to tack left. In many ways, she seems the polar opposite of the tea party movement.

Announcing her candidacy, Warren said, “Middle-class families have been chipped at, hacked at, squeezed and hammered for a generation now. And I don’t think Washington gets it. Washington is rigged for big corporations that hire armies of lobbyists.”

“A big company like GE pays nothing in taxes,” she continued, “and we’re asking college students to take on more debt to get an education? We’re telling seniors they may need to learn to live on less? It isn’t right.”

Liberals seem to have found a candidate they can support fully. This morning, former Sen. Russ Feingold endorsed Warren and sent an email to members of his Progressives United organization. “In 2005,” he wrote, “she stood up against the Wall Street wish list of a bankruptcy bill – a huge corporate giveaway I opposed in the Senate. And after the big banks drove us into a recession, Elizabeth proposed a new Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection, and then fought tirelessly to make sure the Obama administration created it.”

Warren was featured prominently in Michael Moore’s Capitalism: A Love Story. In it, she condemned laws that, she said, benefit Wall Street at the expense of working Americans. “The rules have not been written for ordinary families, for the people who do the work. We have to rewrite those rules…”

Labor is enthusiastic about Warren, so much so that the Massachusetts Nurses Association gave her their endorsement in August, the first time they ever pulled for a candidate who had not even announced their intention to run.

According to MNA President Donny Kelly-Williams, speaking through a press release, “Even though she is not yet an official candidate, the MNA Board has taken the unprecedented step of voting to support her…”

The rest of labor seems enthusiastic and ready to support Warren as well. For example, the Greater Boston Labor Council asked her to speak at the annual Boston Labor Day parade, and her speech to their breakfast is on the group’s homepage.

Warren has served in official capacities numerous times, most recently as Assistant to the President and Special Advisor to the Secretary of the Treasury on the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. Before that, she was in charge of Congressional oversight of the Troubled Assets Relief Program.

“I’ve stood up to some pretty powerful interests,” she said in a campaign message. “Those interests are going to line up against this campaign, and that’s why I need you.”

Well, nice to know who Ms. Warren’s allies are.


Author: Admin

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6 thoughts on “Communists Enthused About Elizabeth Warren Candicacy

  1. What is with the fking insanity!! I fought these people and now we are putting them in offices of power despite the fact they have NEVER recanted their goal of our destruction! I am not even remotely sure I can paint you the picture in my head of the lunacy of putting your enemy in control of your freedom. I spent the better part of my 20 years of service fighting these arses who we now seem ok in allowing them to run for office. Folks, let go of your reality TV and come to grips with what you are allowing in our country. This would be no more sane then allowing the mullah of Iran to lead us after our troops have spent years fighting them in Iraq and Afghanistan. IT’S INSANE!! Why did I spend just under half my life risking it all only to see them being granted power of us. I swear I am only having a nightmare and any moment I will wake up.

    1. Good morning,

      cclezel, you’re absolutely right! I’m a decorated Korean War Vet, and we are placing the enemy into our ‘halls of government.’ We’re also placing them into our ‘halls of education.’

      And, it’s not just the Socialists/Communists but also the Muslims. We’re at war with the Muslims and they are in Congress and the White House. A Muslim is now a judge in Brooklyn, and was sworn in using the Quran.

      We are in deep doo doo. I’m not sure we can dig our way out of this mess. We truly have an ‘enemy within’ working hard to bring down America while American Citizens are concentrating on baseball, football, filthy Hollywood movies, celebrity worship, etc.

      I don’t know what else to say except, wake up America!

      George Phelps
      League City, Texas

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