Posted in 2012 Election Barack Obama Featured Humor Red Reps Social Movements Socialism/Communism Socialist Opinion Shapers Songs Video

“There’s a Communist Living in the White House”

Comedienne Victoria Jackson updates her famous song “There’s a Communist Living in the White House” with some input from my buddy Aaron Klein!

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Posted in 2012 Election Barack Obama Economics Liberty

A Beautiful Mind – Sarah Palin’s Indianola Message

By: Arlen Williams Gulag Bound At this point on the calendar, the fact of Gov. Sarah Palin’s hesitance to declare a presidential candidacy lends a…

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Posted in Barack Obama Economics Socialism/Communism Socialist Opinion Shapers

Hoffa at Obama Labor Rally: We’re an Army Against the Tea Party ‘Let’s Take These Sons of Bitches Out’

NoisyRoom From: So much for ‘more civility’ that Obama called for… From RealClearPolitics: Teamsters President Jimmy Hoffa had some profane, combative words for Republicans…

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Posted in Barack Obama Economics Environmentalism Socialism/Communism

Legislating Fascism – Six States & One City Are Now Full-On-Fascist… with More to Come

NoisyRoom By: AJ Hat Tip: Heather Gass/Freedom Advocates/Stephen Poole/Wynne Coleman Fascist states and city: HAWAII MARYLAND NEW JERSEY NEW YORK (Unanimously passed State Senate and…

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Posted in Featured Liberty North America Social Movements Video

“Smart Meters”

A very well reasoned little speech on the frightening privacy implications of “smart meters.” Thanks to Shona.

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Posted in Africa Featured Middle East Radical Islam Red Reps Social Movements

Qadaffi Calls for Worldwide Resistance, US Supporters to Follow “Deputy” Louis Farrakhan

The National & International Day of Action website has released a statement purportedly from Libya’s deposed ruler and long time Soviet/Russian proxy, Muammar Qaddafi. The…

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