New Zeal’s Van Jones Expose Goes Mainstream

New Zeal broke the story of Obama “Green Jobs Czar” Van Jones’ communist background here and here.

It went round a few blogs-then died out until it was kicked off again by Romantic Poet.

Now it is “mainstream”. Glenn Beck has been thrashing it on Fox-so now millions know about the guy.

That’s great, but the obvious question is-why does a Kiwi blogger have to do the US media’s work for them?


Author: Admin

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6 thoughts on “New Zeal’s Van Jones Expose Goes Mainstream

  1. Whom ever said, why did a Kiwi have to expose Van Jones, I would like to say, the media in the U.S. other than Fox News are terrified to report anything that might make Obama look bad. The other stations are absolutely enthralled with Obama and do not want anything bad reported on Obama. They will not do it. They have a slobbering love affair with O. I'm glad to hear this is being reported in NZ, a country I love. (son lives there) Van Jones is one bad ass SOB. Look him up on youtube. An avowed communist.

  2. Just discovered your blog this week, as I have been looking into similar connections. Please keep up the good work and let the truth be known.

  3. Good stuff Trevor, it must be gratifying to know you're having an influence like this.

    I subscribe to Jack Wheeler's tothepointnews and he's detecting a real groundswell developing against this administration. We live in interesting times, cheers Lee

  4. 放鬆心情自由自在的來一趟花蓮旅遊,可以感受花蓮民宿各種不同的風味,所以來花蓮一定要住花蓮民宿哦!因為可從花蓮民宿主人那裡分享到不一樣的花蓮旅遊經驗及花蓮美食道地的花蓮小吃,所以來花蓮旅遊不一定就要享受花蓮高級餐廳的花蓮美食也可以多試試道地古早味的花蓮美味哦!來花蓮民宿可以放鬆整個心情,來花蓮電腦住宿也可以放空自已,來花蓮也可以了解在地的文化哦!住民宿其實是很輕鬆的,住花蓮民宿其實是很容易,還有就是現在是高油價的時代,還自行開車來花蓮嗎?來花蓮租車會比較輕鬆哦!來花蓮房屋租車會比較省錢哦!或是可以請花蓮計程車帶您包車旅遊喔!!歡迎來住住美麗的花蓮民宿囉!!一定要讓您來花蓮旅遊並且讓您愛上花蓮民宿,還有團購美食好吃的蜂蜜蛋糕、養顏美容的蜂王乳以及花蓮美食喔!!

  5. Trevor, excellent work.You of all people should know by now just how shallow the media talent is in todays virtual reality.
    The west has well and truly lost its "truth ethic" the advent of political correctness saw to that.Political correctness is after all the art of denying the obvious.
    We need only look at NZ as a classic example of this, e.g PM John Key has spent weeks grizzling about the enormous cost of a referendum (anti-smacking) whilst at the same time turning a blind eye to the fact that NZers are coughing up 400 million dollars a year for Maori language, not a squeak out of anyone.Stockholm syndrome obviously plays some part in this rort.

    As for the shaved ape Obama and his green jobs czar, how could anyone claim surprise when the idiot has appointed Dr John P Holdren as his science adviser.This guy thinks it is a good idea to get rid of one billion people to save the planet.Maybe we could volunteer all of the scientific socialist community for euthanasia, to save us and the planet from them.

    I hope the media give you a hat tip for your research into this clown show Czar.

    Great work Trevor,pity we can`t clone you and stick you in charge of the state run media here in NZ.
    Open democracy, I say Bah humbug.

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