ACT Party MP Heather Roy has ruffled a few scales with her attack on the deplorable state of Wellington Hospital.
Heather Roy made the comment during Parliament’s question time on Wednesday while MPs were grilling the Health Minister about why he had not appointed a commissioner to take over the troubled hospital.
“How many more people have to die at Wellington’s killer hospital before the board, with its head stuck in the sand, will be sacked?” she said.
The head of the doctor’s union, the Association of Salaried Medical Specialists, Ian Powell came out snarling.
ACT MP Condemned For Attack On Senior Doctors; Apology Deserved
Press Release by Association of Salaried Medical Specialists at 3:05 pm,
06 Dec 2007
“ACT MP Heather Roy should be condemned for her reprehensible and unjustified attack on senior doctors, nurses and other health professionals at Capital & Coast DHB,” said Mr Ian Powell, Executive Director of the Association of Salaried Medical Specialists, today. Mr Powell was responding to Mrs Roy’s description of Wellington Hospital as a ‘killer hospital’.
“The only reasonable interpretation that one can make of her comment is that she is attacking the competence and skills of Capital & Coast DHB’s senior doctors, nurses and other health professionals. This disgraceful attack is unfair, untrue and unprincipled. She is attacking those who are providing high quality patient care while having to working in difficult circumstances. She is kicking them in the teeth.”
“Capital & Coast staff were not even involved in the tragedy of the prematurely discharged new born baby who subsequently died. That was the decision of a private operator allowed by law to have considerable autonomy while using Capital & Coast facilities. Ironically if Heather Roy’s ideology was to be fully applied to public hospitals then this risk would seriously increase.”
“Heather Roy was a health professional herself before entering Parliament She should know better. She needs to apologise to Capital & Coast’s senior doctors and other health professionals for her shameful outburst now,” concluded Mr Powell.
New Zeal Heather Roy’s ideology??? Heather Roy believes in high medical standards for all patients, support for frontline medical staff, far fewer health bureaucrats and strong private sector involvement in health.
What do you think former Trotskyist, Mr Powell beleve in?
Socialism has stuffed NZ’s health system big time.
If Mr Powell really cares about the sector he would be on Heather’s side, calling the bureaucrats and the uncaring and callous Labour government to account.
Instead he seeks to divert Heather’s righteous attack on our “killer” health system into a debate about the competency of medical staff-something that Heather never called into question.
Shame on you Mr Powell.