Michael Moore-this what socialised medicine really looks like.
From Transtasman
ACT’s Heather Roy has found a new way to complain about what she says is the burgeoning number of Ministry of Health bureaucrats. If they all became seriously ill at the same time, there would be a big problem – there are more of them than there are hospital beds in the whole of NZ.
Hat Tip KiwiBlog
“I’ve read plenty of pieces on Moore, from a variety of sources, I don’t see him as particularly reliable and F 9/11 was extremely polemical but he does touch on interesting issues.”
Most of Moore’s “documentaries” are a bunch of lies. He only likes interviewing people he agrees with, and tells several half-truths. Don’t take everything to be the truth with Moore on any issue.
I not trying to link you to Kach. I’m trying to demonstrate the species of argument you’re using and how deceptive it can be.
I’ve read plenty of pieces on Moore, from a variety of sources, I don’t see him as particularly reliable and F 9/11 was extremely polemical but he does touch on interesting issues.
Cuba likes the film because it makes it look good and means the embargo might not be so popular. If he hasn’t included some context about Cuba in the film then its shoddy work but there is a lot of such contextual material flying around in the US. I doubt anyone’s likely to re-consider their approach to Cuba based solely on this.
“Here’s an example closer to your heart Mah. It would be like me ignoring any legitmate grounds like self defence that Israel had for invading Lebanon in 2006, and then saying that the invasion was inherently flawed, indefensible and must have been for improper aims because I found Kach or some similar group applauding it.”
Please fergus. If you are trying to “link” me to any radical Zionist groups such as Kach, you’re out of luck. Kach is a target of Israeli intelligence network just as much as their Palestinian counterparts are.
And have you ever even READ anything on the Political Affairs Magazine or the People’s World Weekly at all about Moore or perhaps take any consideration why would a totalitarian state like Cuba be so pleased with Moore’s push for socialization of U.S. healthcare system?
Saying that the documentary is inherently flawed because it has the approval of one group or more groups is nonsense.
Here’s an example closer to your heart Mah. It would be like me ignoring any legitmate grounds like self defence that Israel had for invading Lebanon in 2006, and then saying that the invasion was inherently flawed, indefensible and must have been for improper aims because I found Kach or some similar group applauding it.
See how distortng a picture that paints of the issue.
Moore’s recent “documentary” was openly embraced by the Communist Party USA and by the Communist Cuban media. Quite openly I might add.
I am pretty sure what you described Trev of what New Zealand’s healthcare system really is, might just be around the corner for the U.S.’s future healthcare system.
Oh, and ps. link
Andrew.F must be making good use of himself, eh?