US commentator David Horowitz is a hero of mine. A former leader of the “new left” and scion of a Stalinist family, Horowitz is now the scourge of the American left.
Here is an extract from his latest blog post dealing with the difference between conservatives (add libertarians here) and leftists.
As I’ve pointed out many times, leftists and conservatives are not parallel political communities who happen to come down on different sides of particular issues.
Leftists are religious fanatics who believe they are going to change the world. Therefore they look on their political opponents as evil and treat them accordingly.
Conservatives are willing to give their opponents the benefit of the doubt (often far too generously) and when they make mistakes in characterizing individuals, they are ready and willing to correct them.
Leftists presume the worst in their opponents and since their agenda is to eliminate them from any argument, they think nothing of smearing and defaming them, and inventing the “facts” to substantiate their smears.
When a conservative calls someone like Hassan Nasrallah, the head of Hezbollah, a Nazi for example, that’s because Nasrallah represents a movement that allied itself with Hitler and still admires him, and has called for the extermination of the Jews — in so many words.
By contrast, leftists call Bush “Hitler” because they don’t like him. Anyone who challenges leftwing positions will be called a racist, a sexist, a homophobe, an Islamo-phobe, a Nazi — and a McCarthyite! That’s what they do and who they are.
Well Steve, If you’re going to call me a Nazi, then I’m going to call you an anti-semite.
Your mind is confused and diseased steve, and I shall not respond to you anymore.
The fact is you are taking this rhetoric that sounds so similar to that found on Stormfront and other neo-Nazi type websites such as David Duke’s website. You wrongfully accuse those of people like us being “linked” to those websites, but you promote the very type of anti-Jewish/anti-Israel rhetoric David Duke promotes.
Don’t give me a damn about the IDF, 10, Palestinians 1 bullshit anymore “steve”. You are the real one who embraces Nazi-like terrorists. So grow up “steve”, because I can see you certainly do not have a life if you come onto a blogsphere like this and bully those who you don’t like. Pardon me for telling the truth, but the truth needs to be told against immature people like you “steve”.
Exocet, your good tidings are warmly received. Thank you.
Let’s not natter on too long however. Plain fact is – UDF: 10 Palestinians: 1
If in response, and seemingly it is so, you get a buzz out of reflexively declaiming others as anti-Jewish, if it makes you feel better, go to it. It is however a hackneyed and rather unadmirable pose, sitting as it does in the same ball park as Holocaust denial.
But, never let it be said that I deny you the “right”, at will, to publicise your bewilderment.
Whatever, the anti-Jewish charge is essentially bullshit. Palpable, snivelling default indeed. Over weeks and weeks none of you has even attempted to explain the “why” of UDF: 10 Palestinians: 1.
That’s telling !
“You know the funny thing?, your little rant about Israel above could have been lifted straight from the Stormfront forums with no trouble at all.”
You got “steve” on that one Exocet. Heck, this anti-Israel propaganda is certainly coming from neo-Nazi websitse like Stormfront along with National Vanguard and other anti-Jewish ilk.
“What the hell is wrong with you Steve?”
Yes Exocet, I do agree there is something mentally wrong with folks like “steve” and others who believe in a similar fashion. And I am not talking about Michael Savage equaling liberalism with being a mental disease. This is far beyond “liberalism”.
Yes It’s true. I to read ‘Crusdaer Rabbit’ regularly and I do on the odd occasion make a comment.
So I must be a extreme, white-supremacist, truly cuckoo, Nazi.
Steve, what the hell is wrong with you?.
My tone is ‘overall IS fascistic’? (whatever the hell that means).
Again, what the hell is wrong with you?.
You know the funny thing?, your little rant about Israel above could have been lifted straight from the Stormfront forums with no trouble at all.
You cheerlead for the most despotic regimes on the face of the planet and you call me a facist?
What the hell is wrong with you steve,really?
I expect nothing from your kind Steve but slander, false allegations and smearing, but really I’m still flabbergated.
What the hell is wrong with you Steve?
On another note, thanks to you Trev and everyone else who don’t think I’m a facist!
“Aren’t there more than a few religious fanatics in the current Bush administration? And don’t they believe that they are going to change the world? That is exactly what the invasion of Iraq was all about – transforming the region.”
Your typical Leftie defending America’s enemies.
“Does the phrase ‘Axis of Evíl’ sound familiar to anyone? The hypocrisy is amazing.”
So you don’t think a Stalinist dictator like the likes of Kim Jong-Il starving his own people to death to promote a nuke program is evil? How about Iranian leadership lauding the denial of the holocaust and then embrace Israel’s destruction? Not evil? How about the brutality of Saddam Hussein against his people? Not evil?
Typical Leftist moral relativism at its work.
‘Leftists are religious fanatics who believe they are going to change the world.’
Aren’t there more than a few religious fanatics in the current Bush administration? And don’t they believe that they are going to change the world? That is exactly what the invasion of Iraq was all about – transforming the region.
‘Therefore they look on their political opponents as evil and treat them accordingly.’
Does the phrase ‘Axis of Evíl’ sound familiar to anyone? The hypocrisy is amazing.
“Proceed as you will you idiot. On the basis that EXOCET is not……blah blah blah, I have apologised. Someone after a peppercorn are they ? Silly people.”
Please “steve” every time you blab out a comment like this, this makes you look like an idiot. Pardon me for speaking the truth. Enough of this bullying me and Exocet. I have had it with folks like you and that is one reason I moderate my comments on my blog to filter out the idiocy and nonsense coming out from the likes of you.
“The overall tone of your “friends” Mah and Exocet IS fascistic. Indeed you encourage it. I am fully entitled to, and I will, express my understanding as to that. Who do you think you are ?”
Knock it off with your bullying. I have had it with your totalitarian attitude.
Well..that took a while during which time steve n.g.n. seemed to become quite agitated,resorting to standard leftist practice of personal abuse and slander.Talk about the kitchen!
However one of his earlier raves requires a reply:..” if you guys sitting in your little lounges had your way millions would die.”
Apart from being preposterous, considering the Libertarian raison d’etre,it also insanely ignores the fact that many millions have already died,horribly, at the hands of various totalitarian regimes.Witness these abominations;Stalin’s deliberate genocide by starvation of 16 million Ukrainian and Russian peasants after the revolution,Mao Zedong’s butchering of 12 million or more during the “cultural”revolution,Pol Pot’s similar effect on 2 million of his own countrymen,to name just a few of the most obvious and horrible.
So before you sneer at others from the comfort of your lounge,Mr Nice Guy,consider perhaps the real world,in which these millions of innocents once lived,and died.
Steve-checked out Crusader Rabbit-perfectly sound libertarian/conservative site from what I could tell from posts I read
It links to several NZ libertarian sites, including Not PC and to Muriel Newman’s site.
Not remotely “Nazi” or “supremacist”.
Your slur on Exocet is completely unfounded.
Criticism is fine Steve. I enjoy your unique style and you’re welcome to contribute.
No more unfounded slurs though, thanks.
Dear Mr Trevoramus,
Contemplate the not unimportant matter of identification……
I am yours etc…
Trev, your “want” has been met. The name of the blogsite is Crusader Rabbit.
I know I said I was sure it wasn’t but I’ve since checked up. It was Crusader Rabbit ! I checked up with another person who’s read posts signed “EXOCET”, on that blog.
Happy now, you touchy wee libertarian, suffering from heat in the kitchen ?
Trevor, you really test me now.
The overall tone of your “friends” Mah and Exocet IS fascistic. Indeed you encourage it. I am fully entitled to, and I will, express my understanding as to that. Who do you think you are ?
Proceed as you will you idiot. On the basis that EXOCET is not……blah blah blah, I have apologised. Someone after a peppercorn are they ? Silly people.
Although, again, I think the important factor is the heat in the kitchen……
That’s all fine Steve, but the name of the site is all i want.
The rest is just raving.
And I am annoyed, always have been, always will be, with people who think in wild and wonderful abstracts. Quite conservative in that way, me.
People who then in one fell step, take those abstracts into their “reality” consciousness. And then screech like hell at the rest of the world when we’re not so foolishly quick on the uptake.
Understandably. The uptake requires that we suspend our senses in respect of “our” atrocities, and go hard out like pissed-off viragoes about “their” atrocities. As to rationalise ours……from our bloody lounge rooms and food in the fridge, which makes it worse. Armchair generals commanding brigades of tin soldiers give me the shits.
It’s all so stupid, and hypocritical. Are we so plump and happy and secure and uncaring as to disallow the survival instinct except in “us”.
Bugger off with telling me I’ve got to value this part of the human race really keenly so that “Hey, what’s this terrorism shit……?” – And then think about The Chickenhawk’s cluster bombs like they’re early Easter eggs…….Please.
Now. If the text above the name “EXOCET” in the posts I (and others) have read, on the disgusting Ozzie blog I described – if that text wasn’t posted by (our – oh, that hurts) EXOCET, then I am wrong and I apologise.
“Madam Speaker, I seek leave to resume my seat ?”
Thing is, only EXOCET whoever he/she/they is/are, knows which it is – right or wrong I mean.
Reckon you guys should get yourselves tuned up on fair comment and qualified privilege.
Especially on this blog where I’ve read that Helen Clark is a communist and a bitch, apparently – where I have been called an uneducated troll, an extreme leftist, dishonest, a liar, sad – 13 consecutive times, can you believe it ? And all this over my earnest protestations of innocence.
This blog where all sorts of obscene plans for a sweet, right-wing Nirvana have been openly unveiled. Well guys, you only have until mid-January ’09 so hop to it.
Salutations !
In that case, you, or the others known to you should be able to identify the website so I can check for myself.
I’m quite serious Steve-I’ve had this kind of crap thrown at myself and friends for years.
I will not tolerate friends being labelled fascist supporters without proof.
I put it in the same class as labelling someone a paedophile.
So please supply the name of the website, or apologise.
I have seen posts, made on the website I mentioned, signed “EXOCET”. So have others known to me.
If someone uses your mate’s blogsite identity (which raises the completely different and difficult question of…..”Why?”) that’s rough. Only (our) Exocet will know that.
You never heard of fair comment or qualified privilege my friend ? Again, the heat in the kitchen I think.
“In the name of “Freedom”, American As Apple Pie, cluster bombs for all ! UDF: 10 Palestinians: 1 !”
Knock it off with this PLO bull propaganda is what I see here. Your “facts” about Palestine or Palestinians for that matter do not add up. You certainly expose yourself that you are an anti-Semite/anti-Jewish type who does not even care about the very people you state you are.
How about Arafat stealing 50 billion dollars in aid to the Palestinians but he regularly attempted to “link” Israel with al-Qaeda and Hamas? How about that photo of Arafat sitting right next to Yassin, the late “spiratual leader” of Hamas? The “world view” which you proclaim to represent sends more aid to corrupt leaders who proclaim to support the Palestinians, but have a different world for both the Israelis and Palestinians and it doesn’t have to do one thing about liberation or freedom.
Israel on the other hand happens to be one of the few thriving democracies next to other nations such as Turkey and to a certain extent Lebanon to which you side with the folks who wish to dismantle that sort of system by supporting the likes of Hezbollah and even traitors within the Lebanon government that embrace Hezbollah.
Face it “steve”, your “facts” on Israel are a load of bull and even your facts on Palestinians.
You seem to enjoy bullying people who embrace the support of Israel by referring them to be “holocaust Nazis” even on Jewish holidays such as Passover where the Jews suffered under an Egyptian pharoah. Now people people like you wish for the Jews along with non-Jews like the Palestinians to live under the corrupt and dictatorial PLO-Hamas leadership.
As I state on my blog, I draw the analogy between the terror campaign Robert Mugabe waged and the terror campaign Arafat and his successors waged. People like you certainly didn’t care about the plight of the Zimbabweans then as you pretend to care about the plight of Palestinians now when the end result will be to be ruled under brutal corrupt tyrants.
I bet you could care less about that sort of scenario when the Israeli Jews become the “Rhodesian white farmers” of the new Palestinian state which engulfs the rest of what use to be modern Israel, nor about a Palestinian “Mugabe” torturing and murdering Palestinians like Mugabe does with black Zimbabweans.
Bullshit Steve. I’ve never once censored you and have no intention of doing so.
I am annoyed because one of the favourite tricks of the left is to accuse conservatives and libertarians of cavorting with fascists-who just happen to be our enemies.
I don’t make accusations without proof and i won’t see friends libelled without proof on this blog either.
You’ve made an accusation-back it up.
Hardly an unreasonable demand is it?
Can’t recall the name of the blog Trev – will find out for you, although I suspect you’re just posturing some outrage here. You probably already know it (it’s not Crusader Rabbit, I know that for sure).
Which really means that you take issue with my characterisation of the blog site I refer to. That’s your prerogative of course but to shrilly, Margaret Wilson-like, demand an apology is just a bit over the top – especially for a libertarian “freedom” lover.
Maybe that too is advised. A manufactured reason to censor The Nice Guy. Please….will Dirk be OK ?
As someone remarked – “What a dull blog it would be then. All Trev’d be left with is Mah and Exocet massaging and congratulating one another. I reckon Trev really appreciates wider input !”
My, this kitchen is getting hot ! Silly me. I thought right wing fantasists and extremists were gung-ho fullas. Flying in, beaming and panting – “Mission Accomplished !” dah dah dah.
Do remember Trev: this whole discussion springs from your delightedly publishing Horowitz’s specious, mock-anthropological, psycho-babbled attempt to define character. Of those from whom he is now, according to Mah, estranged. Nothing as crazed as a bitter former spouse ! Look at Richard Prebble.
See, you guys just can’t handle it when you’re challenged ! You and your cronies spit your bile into the wind there’s a good chance it’ll come back at you man !
Ka Kite !
Steve, please front up with evidence for your claim that Ex has been posting on Aussie “white supremacist-Nazi style blogs” or apologise immediately.
I take slurs like that seriously, so evidence please.
“And patently neither are you, considering your posts on extreme, white-supremacist, truly cuckoo, Nazi-style, Ozzie blogs.”
Steve, to put it bluntly, you are a lair.
I have never posted on any such blogs that you describe, and I would love to see what ‘evidence’ that I have.
Your last post is the clearest case of projection I’ve ever seen.
You have no clue who or what I am, all you can do is smear, this is a very common
tactic of the left (he’s a kulak/nazi/capitist running dog/etc).
Here’s a newsflash sunshine, I’m a libertarian.
“And for the record – you want affidavits I can get them – it’s the biggest hoot in the world to call me a leftist of any moment.”
Bullshit. You are a leftist. The smearing of those whom you disagree as ‘facists’ who ‘conspire against the world’ marks you as one.
Face it, you are a sad little man who is shacked to an outmoded and dying far-left worldview (one that has killed and enslaved many people in the real world), all you have left is to lash out with lies and false allegations.
Oh yes,David Howoritz has your number alright.
Get real on the facts about Palestine Mah.
The carnage from suicide bombings pales against the murder and destruction flowing from every single one of The Chickenhawk’s airborne death trains over refugee camps and elsewhere. Those poor people are sitting ducks. And The Chickenhawk disingenuously mumbles some inane Crawfordism about abhorring “collaterals”. Choice !
In the name of “Freedom”, American As Apple Pie, cluster bombs for all ! UDF: 10 Palestinians: 1 !
And you wimp out with plaintive cries of “Bully, bully, bully….”. Again, a focus on “manners” rather than the issues. That’s default Mah.
For obscenity your world view takes the Oscar Mah so stop whinging.
“Moreover, I believe you do a disservice to “conservatives” by defining Mah as such. He patently is not.”
Yet more proof of people like you promoting smears instead of facts. Your kind is quite typical of doing this sort of thing. You’re pretending to be tolerant when you resort to bullying tactics against people like me? Typical.
“And patently neither are you, considering your posts on extreme, white-supremacist, truly cuckoo, Nazi-style, Ozzie blogs.”
Now you are accusing me of being a Nazi when you embrace Palestinian terrorists to be “weak” when they blow up buses full of Israeli civilians? Gee, I guess Howoritz did do a number on your nerve by promoting smears instead of facts against opponents. Typical.
Mah, don’t tell untruths (several posts above).
Your blog doesn’t work. You can’t censor me if it don’t work, surely ? You don’t have a site mate. A friend of mine tried it – nothing there.
What you up to man ?
Thank you Exocet. A very reasoned delivery of a flawed analysis.
Moreover, I believe you do a disservice to “conservatives” by defining Mah as such. He patently is not.
And patently neither are you, considering your posts on extreme, white-supremacist, truly cuckoo, Nazi-style, Ozzie blogs.
So don’t come over all holy mate. I protest this and only this: if you guys sitting in your little lounges conspiring against the world had your way, millions would die. Quite needlesly. Just to satisfy your machiavellian, dark age view of how things should be.
And for the record – you want affidavits I can get them – it’s the biggest hoot in the world to call me a leftist of any moment.
I’m just not a fascist.
Well said Exocet.
The only one ‘off the Radar’ here Steve is you.
You are a far-left extremist, and like many of your kind you are both ignorant and arrogant to assume that your world-view is somehow mainstream.
You probably have not met or talked to anyone with a conservative or libertarian world-view, and your first response upon stumbling across someone who is conservative (Like Mah above who seems to be a magnet for you) is to denigrate, abuse and insult.
You do not surprise me at all, I have met many like you, but you don’t know me (or any like me) at all.
“And then of course there’s the very cruel, righteous assuredness of you, until you’re challenged. Ultimately we get into manners. How ridiculous ! Such Debate !”
You have the nerve to lecture me on what a healthy debate is “steve” when you laud Horowitz to be on the lines of a “holocaust Nazi” along with anyone else who disagrees with you?
I believe old Horowitz struck a nerve with you when he also stated this:
“Leftists are religious fanatics who believe they are going to change the world. Therefore they look on their political opponents as evil and treat them accordingly.”
Strange you often confirm that whenever you attempt to laud me as a “holocaust Nazi”, a “fascist” and other such terms like that.
Hey Trev – what’s goin’ on ?
You’re not doin’ it are you Trev ?
That would have to be default ! That’s not like the man you are Trev…….
“Nay I have not !” say I crisply !
You are now into questions of manners Mah – that is default !
The issues are these: 1. Do we hope for the best for the (entire) world and act accordingly ? 2. Do we take human nature so childishly personally as to devote all our energy to “hating” the side not “ours”, and act accordingly ?
It’s a nasty formula Mah, the latter one, and can do us no good. By “us” I mean the whole world and everyone in it – every baby that’s being born at this very moment.
I’m not being disrespectful but in most of what you say I see Option 2 above. You choose to “hate” – oh, OK, of course you don’t hate everybody – those who aren’t commies and so on and on (it’s a long list), well, they’re OK, of course !
And then of course there’s the very cruel, righteous assuredness of you, until you’re challenged. Ultimately we get into manners. How ridiculous ! Such Debate !
You’re very touchy and quick to ring the bell Mah. Must Be The Heat In The Kitchen……..
Kia Ora !
PS Regards to Mah Evans above.
“And you still want Trevor to censor me I see. How about that ? Such a freedom lover you are !”
Uh, maybe because you have dishonestly smeared those on this blogsphere, have you not?
I’m dishonest and The Chickenhawk told the truth about WMD what ?
Inconvenient I know and not a good look but with The Chickenhawk and his madness is where you sit Mah.
And you still want Trevor to censor me I see. How about that ? Such a freedom lover you are !
“Leftists presume the worst in their opponents and since their agenda is to eliminate them from any argument, they think nothing of smearing and defaming them, and inventing the “facts” to substantiate their smears.”
Hmm, I wonder of old David Horowitz struck a nerve with “steve” this comment? Certainly exposes the truth on why “steve” attacks people like me, and even Exocet along with referring Israelis to “holocaust Nazis” while ignoring Palestinian terrorists training a Hitler-style youth wing of their terror groups.
“You’re still a vehicle, even a symbol, for all of it however. Which is to say nothing of the platform you give those “Off-The-Radar” types Mah and Exocet.”
Now you are attacking Exocet. What did Exocet ever do to you? Simply post something right below you as Exocet’s “crime”? The only one who seems to be “Off-the-Radar” is unfortnately you as you openly display it.
“There is one thing, for M M M (My Mate Mah): get a dictionary and find some help with the definition of “narcissistic” – “Mahcissistic” you say ?”
Please “steve”, just really shut up right here. I think it’s time for old Trev to finally start censoring you for your little dribble. You hardly provide no debate to this blog nor do you with any other blog. You seem to love to attack anyone in this manner who you don’t like. May it be me, President Bush, Horowitz or whoever else.
But this is why people like you are not welcomed on my blog as why I do not support allowing people like you to lecture me how I am a “fascist” and all such things like that. You bring no debate to this blog as I would suspect you won’t bring any debate to my blog. Only attacking those who you do not like in such a childish manner. I know my policies and Trev’s policies are quite different, but hey, it’s my blog and I can do whatever I want with it, and exclude those like you “steve” who often attempt to promote nothing but dishonest attack.
“He is the leader of your world – you denounce all those he denounces. Talking in WMD terms, you even find likelihoods of possibilities that he hasn’t. So stand up and stop grizzling “irrelevancy”. The Chickenhawk War Criminal is ESSENTIALLY relevant to “your” blog.”
“Steve” how about George Sada, the Iraqi defector who confirmed that WMD were removed? Bush being a “war criminal” for freeing a nation controlled by a brutal dictator like Saddam? He goes no reward, but Al Gore gets an international emmy for being a fraud in promoting the environment?
“But speaking, just quickly, of same – do I detect some fascist tendency to censorship creeping into Mah’s so-called thinking ?”
Please “steve”. You standing up for terrorists like Hezbollah when you refer old David Horowitz to be a “holocaust Nazi” certainly exposes your fascist tendencies.
“Overall, Mah tosses his head at the cold blooded, knowing murder of Palestinian children in refugee camps (with Starfighters or whatever – provided by – you guessed it – The Chickenhawk). How the hell can I be more obscene than HN Mah ? Mah is very, very cheeky to complain about “The Chickenhawk” references.”
Please “steve”, when did I support murder of Palestinians? Do you support the radicalization of Palestinians to hate Israelis and kill innocent people even allowing Palestinian children to become future suicide bombers? Seriously “steve” you have issues if you deam the Israelis and people like me or David Horowitz to be “holocaust Nazis” but not condemn Palestinian terrorists brainwashing their own people to hate Israelis, Jews and even Palestinians who do not tow their way of thinking.
Don’t get carried away Steve, I haven’t changed my position. These have been my views all along.
If anything, unlike many, I’ve actually got slightly more pro the Iraq war as time has passed.
I respect the views of people like MAH, who is pro the war and farly supportive of Bush, because I acknowledge that I don’t have access to the intelligence that is no doubt available to the US president.
In other words I may be wrong.
Just a last sweep through the wight-ring abuse.
There is one thing, for M M M (My Mate Mah): get a dictionary and find some help with the definition of “narcissistic” – “Mahcissistic” you say ?
Now there’s an interesting thought !
Ka Kite Apopo Whanau.
steve n.g.n:”do I detect some fascist tendency to censorship”..There, at least, is a partial truth,ie;a link between a totalitarian system(fascism)and censorship,as practised in the Fascist Peoples republic of China,among others.Unfortunately censorship is part and parcel of the whole spectrum of totalitarianism,witness the former Soviet Union and all it’s satelite states,Iran,Zimbabwe etc ad nauseam, and sadly is often seen among apologists for the Left generally,particularly when they resort to crass and abusive personal vilification,rather than engage in rational debate.
Excellently Trev. For what it’s worth.
You’re still a vehicle, even a symbol, for all of it however. Which is to say nothing of the platform you give those “Off-The-Radar” types Mah and Exocet.
And don’t you, by referring to “some miracle”, acknowledge that Iraq is a calamitous cock-up and the man has changed the world, for worse, forever.
Ake Ake Ake !
Steve-Bush is a neo-Con. I am a libertarian.
I have big issues with Bush.
I am certainly pro American, but I do not believe in aggressive foreign policies, I believe in strong defence and a minimalist approach to domestic governance.
While I hope the US, by some miracle can clean up Iraq and move on, I have more in common with US libertarians and paleoconservatives than I do with the neo-cons.
I hope this clarifies my position.
Ummm, Mah, what the hell has a mirror got to do with anything…..please ?
I appreciate that you would want to distance yourself Trevor. But strangely, he, at present is the clarion call for just about everything you stand for.
He is the leader of your world – you denounce all those he denounces. Talking in WMD terms, you even find likelihoods of possibilities that he hasn’t. So stand up and stop grizzling “irrelevancy”. The Chickenhawk War Criminal is ESSENTIALLY relevant to “your” blog.
That’s why I “go on” about him. If you’re gonna have your way, then you’ve got to accept him as yours. not, I believe dishonestly, discard the excruciatingly embarrassing and and very inconvenient truth.
He is just a much richer, much stupider, very much more powerful and dangerous, example of you and your plan for the world. The likes of Mah and Exocet are off the radar of course, that’s why I say “you” Trev.
But speaking, just quickly, of same – do I detect some fascist tendency to censorship creeping into Mah’s so-called thinking ?
Overall, Mah tosses his head at the cold blooded, knowing murder of Palestinian children in refugee camps (with Starfighters or whatever – provided by – you guessed it – The Chickenhawk). How the hell can I be more obscene than HN Mah ? Mah is very, very cheeky to complain about “The Chickenhawk” references.
And to the man who features on seriously wacky, like I mean, white supremacist, Hitler-type Oz blogs, Exocet; when Bush goes I will rejoice, in the sad knowledge that his massively destructive actions in the world have changed it, for worse, forever – as history will record.
To think that such a swaggering, doltish, dumb fella, coward, could have done all that !
Well, I guess he did have you fullas’ support.
“Holocaust Nazis”
Funny, is that why you seem to not care about terrorism committed by Hezbollah “steve”?
“The Chickenhawk and Holocaust Nazis like Horowitz, of course.”
Please, you ought to look in the mirror when you say this. How about all the profiles of left-wing monsters like Mao Zedong, Ho Chi Mihn, Pol Pot, Che and other scumbags? Do countless souls being lost to those human-like demons count as a holocaust? How about calling Mao a Nazi for using Chinese culture to be “superior” over the people of Tibet? Chinese Muslims?
I guess Horowitz and others “must” be Nazis when they expose human-like demons like Mao and others of his ilk.
“I would have thought there is something wildly narcissistic about The Chickenhawk’s persuasion that he has a direct line to God; that it is God who positions him personally to rid the world of evil – with “evil” defined by The Chickenhawk and Holocaust Nazis like Horowitz, of course.”
Please “steve”. You sound like a narcissistic person with this comment. I think it’s time for old Trev to control people like you.
Steve-why do you go on about Bush all the time? How often does this site even mention him?
Wow, we’re really scraping the bottom of the barrel now ! Shades of the old right wing rubbish “I think – therefore it is”.
I would have thought there is something wildly narcissistic about The Chickenhawk’s persuasion that he has a direct line to God; that it is God who positions him personally to rid the world of evil – with “evil” defined by The Chickenhawk and Holocaust Nazis like Horowitz, of course.
And as for hedonism – wasn’t The Chickenhawk’s remarkable while cowardly disappearing act during Vietnam times in service of just that – hedonism ?
And as for naievity – garlands of roses in the streets of Baghdad ? Get off the grass you idiots !
In my humble opinion, Leftist behaviour is the manifestation of two character traits – naivete and narcissism.
These traits can be seen in the liberal tenet that people are all basically good, and any bad things which some individuals do, are the result of external factors and not the fault of the individual, such as economic inequalities, racism, bad parents & capitalism.
This, is mixed with narcissism – the Leftist has a preoccupation with their feelings and how they are perceived by the rest of the world.
…They are symbols of decadence and hedonism more than anything else…