Day: March 11, 2007
Muesli Munching Marxists, Molest Meat Mogul’s Meeting
From Indymedia Between March 29 and 31, 2007, animal rights activists will converge on Poneke/Wellington, to disrupt and protest the annual meat industry conference. The…
Why Not Sanctions Against Russia?
From Novosti TEHRAN, March 11 – Iran expects Russia to supply nuclear fuel for Iran’s Bushehr nuclear power plant by the end of March, despite…
The Adoption Option-One Couple’s Experience 3
Part 3 of our expeiences of the NZ adoption system. Part 2 is here. We got on very well with our state social worker. One…
Communists Prepare for Bolshevik Birthday Bash
From the Communist Party of Greece The preparatory meeting of the Working Group for the International Meeting of Communist and Workers’ Parties of 2007 took…
Kiddie Commies Gather in Hanoi
From Thanhnien Hanoi to host World Federation of Democratic Youth congress The 17th Assembly of the World Federation of Democratic Youth (WFDY) will take…
Health Nazis Fail, Freedom Forces Prevail
Great news for a Sunday morning From Newstalk ZB Ashburton residents have voted against reintroducing fluoride to the town’s water supply. The results of a…
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