A huge amount hangs in the balance as Venezuelans head to the polls.
One shows Marxist President Hugo Chavez on 64.3% with his conservative opponent, Manuel Rosales on 33%.
Should Chavez win, his plans to consolidate power and foster further revolutions in the region will recieve a huge boost.
According to Reuters
Chavez, a close ally of Cuban President Fidel Castro, has vowed to use re-election to scrap presidential term limits and create a single-party that he expects to lead in power for decades.
Castro is dying, but unfortunately for the free world, Latin American socialism, lives on.
Time to pray for a miracle.
Quite right mah, I didn’t really expect a straight answer out of comrade cameron.
Western leftists advocate for others that which they are unwilling to take on themselves.
No-one should really be suprised by this.
I doubt Cameron is going to asnwer your question EXOCET. He never answered why was Chavez so cummy with Mugabe the murderous tyrant of Zimbabwe.
You might have missed my questions Cameron, so I’ll ask them again:
Would you like a Marxist revolution to happen here in NZ Cameron?
Would you like to live in a Marxist state?
Hey Lefties, how about looking up Chavez’s Zimbabwean buddy-Robert Mugabe? He was elected to power but became an open dictator. There’s even a photo of Mugabe and Chavez being all cummy and cozy together.
So Chavez someone who favors freedom and prosperity in Latin America? Just go ask the people of Zimbabwe how they feel about Chavez’s pal Mugabe.
Yeah, what about it Cameron?
Would you be able to handle what you advocate for others?
Would you like a Marxist revolution to happen here in NZ Cameron?
Would you like to live in oa Marxist state?
Honest answers please
Hey Trev what happens if people in Venezuela actually really like Chavez and want to re-elect him. Shouldn’t they have the right to vote for whoever they choose?
I have to say that it’s quite hard for someone like that to receive such a high percentage. Only a state controlled media loyal to the government under Chavez can do something like that.