Day: July 29, 2006
Curly Capitalist Questions 15 Flogging Off Nukes
Anonymous has a question on private control of WMDs Under pure capitalism, could I sell nuclear weapons to third world dictatorships? The right to keep…
Red Lops Dreadlocks
That was then This is now. Victoria University student prezzy and Workers Party radical, Nick Kelly has shorn his trademark dreads. Even worse he’s selling…
Rodney Reborn?
From Rodney’s Blog Texts and emails have been flooding in concerned about me going soft: MPs wonder what’s happened to the old rough-and-tumble Rodney If…
Curly Capitalist Question 14 Capitalism and War
Anonymous has a good question Trevor,you would accept that competition between firms and corporations is a fact of free market national capitalism. Many of these…
Hard Left Beats Left for Union Post
According to IndymediaScenes of jubilation and tears of joy greeted the stunning victory by Jill Ovens in yesterday’s election for the new Northern Region Secretary…
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