Posted in Asia-Pacific News Socialism/Communism

China Has Infiltrated The U.S. Military Biodefense Program At Fort Detrick

By: Col. Lawrence Sellin (Ret.) and Anna Chen | CCNS The shocking story of how China has infiltrated the U.S. military biodefense program at Fort Detrick….

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Posted in Asia-Pacific News Socialism/Communism

Chinese Military Scientist Suspected Of Involvement In COVID-19 Creation Elected To American Academy Of Microbiology

By: Col. Lawrence Sellin (Ret.) | CCNS Adding global insult to injury, in February 2021, Shibo Jiang was elected to the American Academy of Microbiology. Shibo Jiang,…

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Posted in News Socialism/Communism

Murder Incorporated: Theirs And Ours

By: Cliff Kincaid Responding to Biden’s charge that he is a killer, Russian President Vladimir Putin responded, in an NBC News interview, that somebody murdered Ashli…

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Posted in Asia-Pacific News Socialism/Communism

Funding China’s People’s Liberation Army In Virus Research Used In Biological Warfare

By: Lawrence Sellin and Anna Chen | CCNS Please, correct us if we are wrong, but what we’re seeing is shocking. We reported in early April…

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Posted in Asia-Pacific News Socialism/Communism

The Massive Infiltration Of U.S. Virus Research By China’s Military

By: Col. Lawrence Sellin (Ret.) and Anna Chen | CCNS The following is one example of a much larger problem, not just at this institution, but…

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Posted in News Socialism/Communism

Critical Race Theory In America’s Classrooms

By: Clare Lopez | CCNS This is Part 2 of a multi-part series on the teaching of Critical Race Theory (CRT) in America’s schools, usually as…

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Posted in News Socialism/Communism

Institutionalizing Critical Race Theory

By: Clare Lopez | CCNS This is Part 1 of a new 3-part series on the rapidly deteriorating situation in American schools with regard to the…

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Democrats Cancel Duty, Honor, Country

BY: Ray DiLorenzo | CCNS While the Pentagon has approved gender reassignment surgery for active-duty personnel, Communist China is planning to invade Taiwan. While Iran resumes…

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Posted in Asia-Pacific News Socialism/Communism

The Under-Reported Threat To The US Of Smuggling Chinese

By: Denise Simon | Founders Code We have watched for years the chaos at the U.S. Southern border with Mexico. While there has been a single…

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Posted in Asia-Pacific Latin America News North America Socialism/Communism

America First Must Build A New Shipping Canal For The Supply Chain

By: Denise Simon | Founders Code From 2020 up to now, we in America have suffered through supply chain shortages in addition to the matter of…

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Posted in News Socialism/Communism

Will The Deep State Remove Biden From Office?

By: Cliff Kincaid The Deep State appears to be worried. Joe Biden is too old to be getting blood transfusions from young people, the current fad among…

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Posted in News Socialism/Communism

Marxist Hit Parade Of Losers And Degenerates

By: Cliff Kincaid | America’s Survival Jim Simpson discusses his new book, Who Was Karl Marx?, in the context of the unfolding Marxist takeover of the United…

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Beware Of Russian Influence On Vaccine Disinformation

By: Denise Simon | Founders Code It is an additional definition of cyberwar… Operatives at the behest of Moscow have never passed up the opportunity to…

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Posted in Asia-Pacific News Socialism/Communism

How The Communists Outsmarted Us

By: Cliff Kincaid Under no circumstances are we permitted to believe the Chinese Communist Party deliberately unleashed the coronavirus weapon on the world. We are…

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Posted in News Socialism/Communism

Communist Revolution In America

By: Ray DiLorenzo | CCNS If you were a fervent America-hating Marxist living in the United States, what would you do with a nation that is…

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