By: Retired General Paul Vallely | CCNS
Most people in the USA think of Canada as “America light” – their little sibling to the North. Canadians have a reputation for being mild, courteous, and non-confrontational. Many Canadians have a sort of mid-western American accent. They dress and behave similarly to Americans, so they effortlessly blend in like Americans. Because of this, they have had a huge impact on American science, culture, and entertainment. Alexander Graham Bell developed the telephone in Canada. He was also instrumental in the founding of the National Geographic magazine. Basketball was the creation of a Canadian, who wanted to be able to play sports in the frigid Canadian winter. Many of Hollywood’s brightest stars are Canadian. Our cultures are intertwined.
Canada and America are joined at the hip – two birds of a feather. This characterization is a little deceptive. Although Canada is by far America’s greatest trading partner, friend, and staunch ally; Canadians have much more in common with their British cousins than with the USA.
Here are a few commonly overlooked facts about Canada:
- Most of Canada is unlawfully occupied, unceded, tribal land. The First Nations, or Tribal People, as they prefer to be known, were largely powerless in the European settlement of Canada.
- Canada’s Parliament, in Ottawa Ontario, sits unlawfully on Algonquin tribal land.
- In the Eighteenth Century, the British American colonies had a revolution and broke free of the mother country and its monarchy – Canada did not. Many Canadians assisted in the American Revolution but did not reap the benefits of freedom and independence.
- Canada is ruled by the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Canada’s top governmental official is the Governor-General, who is appointed by the Queen of the United Kingdom.
- Every incoming Prime Minister of Canada must swear an oath of allegiance to the Queen – the monarch. He or she then becomes “the Hand of the Queen”. Every act of Canada’s parliament must get Royal Approval from the Queen before it comes into effect.
- Canada’s elected parliament can be recalled at any time by the Queen.
- Canada’s national police force, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police is an Army division. They wear the red serge of the British Army and all its members swear an oath to the Queen. Its officers are commissioned by the Queen.
- In 1812, Canada, as part of the British Empire, was at war with America. Troops from Canada invaded and set fire to the White House and the Capitol building. Canada successfully repelled a counter-invasion from the Americans.
- Upper and Lower Canada had their own revolt against the monarch in 1837 – hoping to institute an American form of government. This failed – largely because the help requested from America was not forthcoming.
- Upper and Lower Canada are now the provinces of Ontario and Quebec – Canada’s two most populous provinces.
- French-speaking Quebec is, in fact, an independent state. It receives huge subsidies from the rest of Canada to present itself as a nominal Canadian province – which it is not.
- Canada has been ruled by the “Laurentian Elite” for centuries. These are wealthy people from the narrow strip of land along the St. Lawrence river from Toronto to Quebec City. Justin Trudeau, Canada’s Prime Minister, is part of this hereditary elite.
- The “Laurentian Elite” has left much of the rest of Canada feeling disenfranchised. There is serious talk in the western provinces of Saskatchewan, Alberta, and northern British Columbia of seceding and joining the US. Alberta was originally settled by Americans and has a strong affinity for the United States.
- There is no article of Confederation for Canada. Canada is a corporation registered at Dun and Bradstreet in New York City.
- Canada does not have a constitution. What Canada calls a “constitution” is a series of disjointed documents – no one even knows how long the “constitution” is. In America you can carry a copy of the constitution in your shirt pocket; in Canada, you would need a suitcase.
- Canada’s Charter of Rights only applies to employees of the Canadian government, not to ordinary citizens.
- Justin Trudeau recently made an Order in Council – like an Executive Order, banning almost all firearms in Canada. This order does not, however, apply to Native Canadians, making this an overtly racist law.
Despite the differences, Canada has always stood shoulder to shoulder with America in times of war and peace. They stormed the beaches of Normandy together with the Allies on D-Day. It was the Canadian embassy in Tehran that, despite significant danger to themselves, hid and protected American diplomats during the Iranian revolution of the late Seventies. Canada has the longest unprotected border in the world, and Canada is partnered with the United States in the air defence of North America through the North American Aerospace Defence Command (NORAD). Canadians and Americans should both be grateful for each other – as a family.
This is the first in a series of articles that will be published under the title, “Eyes on Canada”. Our team will introduce to our readers a look inside Canada — its political situation, citizen’s and Province concerns, industry, and finance. Next release — “Canada Today”.
With special thanks to The Canadian Investigative Team
Published and Distributed through the Stand Up America US Foundation
This column was originally published at
Interesting article! Thank you!