By Lloyd Marcus
What anti-American zealots in government and media are doing to president Trump is unprecedented and should scare the heck out of every American. They have created a parallel universe void of truth and reality. In the midst of Trump actually making America great again, millions of Americans believe Trump is a Russian agent, mentally ill, and leading America to destruction.
Trump brought back jobs that Obama decreed were gone forever. Black, Hispanic, and female unemployment is at historic lows. Trump pulled us out of bad deals with foreign governments. Thanks to Trump eliminating absurd regulations and oppressive taxes, businesses are coming home to America building factories. The average American wage is $27 per hour. Americans are enjoying an economic boom. All this incredible good news is for the most part being hidden from Americans.
Instead, Democrats, fake news media, Hollywood, and social media flood the airwaves with their lie that Trump is horrible for America. They claim he obstructed justice in the Mueller investigation. Hogwash! The truth is the Mueller so-called investigation was really an illegal witch-hunt, a silent coup undermining Trump’s presidency; to reverse the 2016 presidential election.
Mueller’s investigation was based solely on the Steele Dossier, a bogus document written in 2016 and paid for by Hillary Clinton. Hillary’s despicable fake document claimed that Trump paid prostitutes to urinate on a hotel bed slept in by Obama. Mueller and the 19 Hillary lawyers he hired knew the document was filled with lies. And yet, they used it to illegally obtain warrants to harass the Trump administration for three years. Trump knew the Mueller investigation was a scam to destroy his presidency. Still, Trump did not exercise his authority to fire Mueller. Trump turned over a million documents to Mueller’s evil minions. Still, fake news media is helping Democrats to sell their obvious lie that Trump is engaged in a cover-up.
Trump pushed back against his treasonous conspirators by publicly calling them out on their lies and behind-the-scenes illegal dirty tricks. This enraged them. Republicans usually allow Democrats and fake news media to spread lies about Republicans and policies beneficial for We the people. Trump is a different breed of Republican, one who stands up for himself. This has caused anti-American zealots (Democrats, fake news media, Hollywood and deep state Republicans) to declare Trump insane.
Think about this, folks. For over three years, Trump’s enemies launched an illegal silent coup to reverse the 2016 presidential election. Every time Trump told the American people the truth about what these treasonous conspirators were doing, they launched a national narrative that Trump is insane and attempting to obstruct justice.
Displaying off the chain arrogance and chutzpah, anti-American zealots are trying to criminalize Trump defending himself. They expect Trump to lie back and not respond to them spreading lies 24/7 about him and his policies.
They are, in essence, saying screw the law, screw the truth, screw equal justice and screw the American people. They are fanatically intent on removing Trump from office by any means necessary. This threatens justice for every American.
Anti-American zealots control 90% of the media, Hollywood, and educational institutions. Folks, if these people can get away with hiding the remarkable job Trump is doing for America and falsely branding him a Russian agent and a lunatic, think what they can do to any and every conservative, Christian, and Republican. Their power is extremely scary and totally unacceptable.
I cannot explain why, but suddenly the image of Lady Justice wearing a blindfold struck a powerful chord with me. Knowing why Lady Justice wears a blindfold, I asked my wife Mary if she knew. Mary said yes.
Lady Justice wears a blindfold because friends should not be treated differently than strangers; the rich should not be treated better than the poor. In other words, Justice should be distributed equally to all Americans.
Democrats, fake news media, and deep state Republicans have ripped the blindfold off Lady Justice. Democrats and deep state anti-Trump operatives break laws at will while inventing bogus crimes to attack Trump.
Disturbingly, Trump haters in government and media can sell the American people lies about Trump and his excellent job performance. Incredibly, they have created a parallel universe void of truth and reality.
AG William Barr absolutely must uncover these treasonous rats in our government and prosecute them to the fullest extent of the law. If Barr does not follow through, the blindfold of Lady Justice in America will be gone forever.
Lloyd Marcus, The Unhyphenated American