By: Terresa Monroe-Hamilton | NoisyRoom.net

Who the hell made Nancy Pelosi Queen? More like Wicked Witch of the West.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) first tries to position herself above Trump saying he’s not worth bothering to impeach when there’s nothing to impeach him on. Now, she has revoked the honorary office that former House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) gave Vice President Mike Pence on the first floor of the Capitol back in 2017.
Pence rarely used the office but the symbolism of Pelosi removing his nameplate from the door and then reassigning the space is brutally clear. However, right now that space is just sitting empty, much like the space between Pelosi’s ears. There seem to be a plethora of Marxists on the HIll these days that are bested in the IQ department by a number of rodents in the same vicinity.
“Room assignments are reviewed and changed at the beginning of every Congress,” a Pelosi aide told NPR. The aide also said the White House legislative-affairs team “was given new House-side space this year that they did not previously have.”
The vice president, who serves as the president of the U.S. Senate and has an office on that chamber’s side, was given the House office shortly after President Trump’s inauguration in January 2017; it was a sign of goodwill between the House, then led by the GOP, and one of its former members.
This is a definite sign of ill-will by the new Speaker of the House. Frankly, if the Dems want to be petty like this and go to war politically, if I were President Trump, I would oblige them. Aggressively.
If that old moonbat Pelosi wants to dance, block every piece of Democratic legislation that comes down the pike. Veto everything they ask for. Tie the rest up in the courts with executive orders. Two can do a political tango… but that’s just me and why I should never be president.
Pence has an office in the West Wing as well as a set of offices in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building. Plus, he has space in the Senate. He likely won’t miss his space in the House. In fact, he’ll probably relish not rubbing elbows with evil, Godless leftists who care more about murdering babies, throwing open our borders, doing a two-step on the Constitution and destroying the freest nation on earth than doing what they were elected to do.