The practice of “catch and release” amounts to “open borders.” According the White House, “only 3.5 percent of UACs [unauthorized alien children] who are apprehended are eventually removed from the U.S.” For leftists, there is evidently no longer a difference between “legal” and “illegal” immigration. That is why the simple question is impossible for so-called immigration activists to answer honestly without betraying their open borders ideal: “Do you distinguish between legal and illegal immigration?”
READ: #WhereAreTheChildren: A Quick Primer on ‘Unaccompanied Alien Children’
Andrew Hoberek and Jeffrey Insko are both university professors that will not answer the simple question: “Do you distinguish between legal and illegal immigration?” Not to pick on these particular leftist academics, as one will find that anyone who bashes America’s immigration policy quite literally will refuse to answer this question.
The question leaves them in quite a conundrum. If they say that there IS a difference, then they are obliged to agree with America’s immigration policies, which they have been deriding as racist, xenophobic, etc. But if they say that there is no difference between legal and illegal immigration, they are exposed for being for completely open borders. Even if they are not for completely open borders, they would be vulnerable to attack by fellow open borders leftists and could even be called *gasp* racist or xenophobic by their associates.
In academia and in the mainstream media, the fall from grace is far and swift. The left is bound by their own impossible rules.
Try asking this question to “immigration” activists on Twitter. The answer is always (always!) either A.) Silence or B.) Obfuscation. Case in point. Jeffrey Insko is an “Associate Professor & Coordinator of American Studies” according to his biography at Michigan’s Oakland University. The good professor evidently agrees with fellow comrade and (of course) English Professor Andrew Hoberek of the University of Missouri that America’s current immigration policy includes “concentration camps where children are sexually abused.”
See this revealing Twitter exchange:
Ha! I JUST NOW said that very thing!
— Jeffrey Insko 🌈 (@JeffreyInsko) July 29, 2018
This author could not help to jump in with some photos taken by Rep. Henry Cuellar in 2014, challenging the good professors to find an example under the Trump administration that comes close:
These photos were taken during Obama’s reign. Where were you? I challenge you to find anything like this under President Trump. pic.twitter.com/WEjNq6dt6T
— Renee Nal (@ReneeNal) July 29, 2018
Professor Insko scoffed in the standard condescending manner familiar to thoughtful conservatives:
omg, my record of rapt, uncritical worship of Obama has been exposed! everything about the current administration’s immigration policy is just fine. i’m so sorry.
— Jeffrey Insko 🌈 (@JeffreyInsko) July 29, 2018
Professor Insko may not be an “uncritical” worshiper of former President Obama, but he does regularly troll the current President Donald Trump with witty banter fitting of his stature:
It is absolutely certain that history will judge you as the stupidest person ever elected to national office.
— Jeffrey Insko 🌈 (@JeffreyInsko) February 25, 2018
You are an embarrassing manchild.
— Jeffrey Insko 🌈 (@JeffreyInsko) January 3, 2018
Professor Insko is also not a fan of Rep. Luke Messer.
Hey, great job kissing Trump’s ass like a toadie while screwing graduate students and helping the rich! Woo-hoo!
— Jeffrey Insko 🌈 (@JeffreyInsko) November 17, 2017
Not surprisingly, Insko’s colleague Professor Hoberek expressed his desire to rid the world of the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) division of the Department of Homeland Security, which would empower even more illegal immigration, the seeming goal of these evident open borders advocates.
Yeah, no. I am not interested in open borders. It amazes me how so many are rallying for our demise.
— Renee Nal (@ReneeNal) July 29, 2018
Professor Insko perked up at this author’s assertion that the abolition of ICE would lead to America’s demise:
“Our demise”! What “our”?what “demise”?
— Jeffrey Insko 🌈 (@JeffreyInsko) July 29, 2018
To which I responded (clearly):
The demise of America. Are you American?
— Renee Nal (@ReneeNal) July 29, 2018
Anyway, this author decided to ask The Question.
Do you distinguish between legal and illegal immigration?
— Renee Nal (@ReneeNal) July 29, 2018
This is the key question and one will never be answered by the likes of the two professors.
This is where it gets good. Let the obfuscation begin!
You ask this as if it’s an ontological question. Obviously i understand that the US has policies that make that distinction. What’s your point?
— Jeffrey Insko 🌈 (@JeffreyInsko) July 29, 2018
I assumed that you were not so dim-witted as to be unaware of America’s immigration laws.
I will try again (3rd time).
Do you distinguish – personally – between legal and illegal immigration?
— Renee Nal (@ReneeNal) July 29, 2018
But your question doesn’t make any sense. It’s not a “personal” matter. It’s a fact of US policy. Are you asking me if I agree with that policy? Why not just make whatever point it is you are trying to make instead of trying to be clever?
— Jeffrey Insko 🌈 (@JeffreyInsko) July 29, 2018
Do you believe there should be immigration laws?
— Renee Nal (@ReneeNal) July 29, 2018
No response, so I tried again:
A difficult question? Do you believe there should be immigration laws?
— Renee Nal (@ReneeNal) July 29, 2018
It’s not a real question. I’m not playing.
— Jeffrey Insko 🌈 (@JeffreyInsko) July 29, 2018
Or it could be that people of my “ilk” just find your hectoring kind of annoying and don’t want to engage.
— Jeffrey Insko 🌈 (@JeffreyInsko) July 29, 2018
After you agreed that America currently employs “concentration camps where children are sexually abused,” my simple question about your views on immigration policy are quite reasonable.
— Renee Nal (@ReneeNal) July 29, 2018
This is where Professor Hoberek revealed his superior English skills by referring to me as a “troll.”
Ad hominem. Referring to me as a “troll” for asking a reasonable question about your views on America’s immigration policy after you claimed America had “concentration camps where children are sexually abused” says more about you than it does about me, Professor Hoberek.
— Renee Nal (@ReneeNal) July 29, 2018
Professor Insko then deflects to claiming that I never answered his question (that I answered above) about how unencumbered illegal immigration would lead to America’s demise. I responded.
I did explain. America, as we know it, will cease to be America if we have unrestrained illegal immigration. Americans have every right to vet would-be citizens. That is my view. Now, my question to you is whether you distinguish between legal and illegal immigration?
— Renee Nal (@ReneeNal) July 29, 2018
And as of this moment, that is the end of the discussion. Not once during the entire exchange was the simple question answered: “Do you distinguish between legal and illegal immigration?”