Exposing and Dismantling Obama’s Legacy

By: Cliff Kincaid | America’s Survival

Matt Margolis, author of The Scandalous Presidency of Barack Obama, examines Obama’s ransom payment to Iran and other scandals. “We’re still paying the price for the eight years he was in office,” he says. “If we don’t fully understand what happened and what motivated him, and the impact of his policies and decisions, we’re going to be in for trouble.” Margolis believes the next generation should receive the truth about the damage that Obama did to the nation.


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2 thoughts on “Exposing and Dismantling Obama’s Legacy

  1. The truth is finally coming out! This video is addressing what “We The People” have thought all along. Thank God (and I mean that literally) for Trevor Louden for getting the word out and for Matt Margolis for writing this book and waking up the masses. Buy this book!

  2. I too believe that it is imperative that the next generation should receive the absolute truth about the damage that the fraudulent eight-year occupation of Obama in the White House did to this nation; an attempt should also be made to reach some of the youth in the current generation who have embraced and believed the lies perpetrated by that fraudulent administration.

    His legacy of benevolence, positive change and unity of this country should be fully, factually refuted and his lies and treasonous actions exposed in the hope that some of the fog can be penetrated in the brainwashing that these young people have been subjected to

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