If it was not for Brandon Darby of Breitbart News, it is unlikely that anyone would have known about the “more than 125,000” “unaccompanied alien children” (government term) crossing the border into America after being lured by their own local newspapers. The surge in “children” (mostly male and mostly over 14-years-old) led to the federal government to “relaxing” identity requirements for foster parents.
On January 26 2016, the Washington Post reported:
“Andrea Helling, a spokeswoman for the Department of Health and Human Services, which includes the Office of Refugee Resettlement…acknowledged that the agency briefly relaxed identity requirements for family members collecting children at the height of the surge in May 2014 to help place children more quickly.”
The inevitable result was that the Obama administration “failed to protect thousands of Central American children …leaving them vulnerable to traffickers and to abuses at the hands of government-approved caretakers.” The WaPo article was based on a 56-page investigative report initiated by Sen. Rob Portman (R-Ohio) after “several Guatemalan teens were found in a dilapidated trailer park near Marion, Ohio, where they were being held captive by traffickers and forced to work at a local egg farm.”
Perhaps the most terrifying part of the investigative report was this:
“And once the children left federally funded shelters, the report said, the agency permitted their adult sponsors to prevent caseworkers from providing them post-release services.”
That same day, January 26, 2016, then-President Obama told Democrats during a retreat that another Democrat would be the next president, he claimed that he was going to tackle urgent issues like the so-called “gender wage gap” by hosting a summit for women at the White House and Obama also weighed in on the controversy of not enough people of color winning Oscar awards.
There was no hashtag for children on January 26 2016.
In case you need a reminder, Obama’s “immigration advisor” Eliseo Medina gives the reason why Democrats are so interested in giving amnesty to illegal aliens. It has nothing to do with compassion, and everything to do with a one-party state.
President Trump knows it, too.
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