By: Terresa Monroe-Hamilton | NoisyRoom.net
Longtime readers of this blog know that I am a huge fan of Bill Gertz over at The Washington Free Beacon. In the midst of all the tragedy over the last couple of weeks, an item of what I consider huge significance has gone unreported… except by Gertz that is. It involves a Chinese billionaire named Guo Wengui who is now a Chinese dissident seeking asylum in the United States. According to intel from Guo, the Chinese dispatched 27 intelligence officers to the US earlier this year as part of a larger campaign of subversion. He revealed an internal Communist Party document authorizing the Ministry of State Security to send the spies, described as “people’s police officers.” I call that news.
The Chinese government would very much like to get their commie paws on Guo. They want him returned to be dealt with. They also want to silence his disclosures of high-level corruption and intelligence activity. He is calling the Beijing regime corrupt and he wants a “revolution” to change the ruling system there. “My only single goal that I set myself to try to achieve is to change China,” Guo said through an interpreter during a National Press Club meeting attended by news reporters and supporters of the exiled dissident. Bill Gertz was at that meeting.
“What they’re doing is against humanity,” he said. “What the US ought to do is take action, instead of just talking to the Chinese kleptocracy.” Guo requested political asylum in the US last month with the Chinese hot on his heels. They have charged him with multiple crimes, which of course, Guo says are fabricated. I’m sure they are. One of the big names that Guo has leveled accusations at is senior Chinese leader Wang Qishan. He controls most of China’s finances and Guo says he is corrupt and has engaged in moving money and documents outside of China. Laughably, Wang is leading the country’s nationwide anti-corruption drive that critics say is cover for efforts by Xi to consolidate power. Of course it is.
The Chinese are going all out to get Guo back. They are using high-level diplomatic and economic pressure on the US to turn him over. Business leaders from China are also lobbying the US to repatriate him. That would be a death sentence. China’s Minister of Public Security, Guo Shengkun, met with Attorney General Jeff Sessions last week. They discussed China’s demands concerning the return of dissidents. Sessions raised the issue of a Chinese-origin cyber attack against the Hudson Institute, a think tank that had canceled its plan to hold the press conference for Guo under pressure from China. The Justice spokesman, Wynn Hornbuckle, said China pledged their cooperation in investigating the incident. But they deny being behind the attack. We all know they were behind it, but this is the DC waltz with Chinese spies that is common. It was not disclosed whether Guo was discussed during the law enforcement and cyber security talks.
David Tell, a Hudson spokesman, told the Washington Free Beacon, the denial of service cyber attack was traced by investigators to Shanghai. An email details that a Hudson employee stated that he was asked to forward a message to institute leaders sent from a Chinese Embassy official on Sept. 29th. According to this email, Chinese officials “want Hudson to cancel the Guo Wengui event because he is a criminal and tells lies, that China is about to enter a sensitive time with its Party Congress, that hosting him would hurt China-US relations, and that this event would embarrass [the] Hudson Institute and hurt our ties with the Chinese government.”
Guo is evidently in possession of a number of sensitive internal reports. He used to be close to MSS Vice Minister Ma Jian, who was imprisoned last year on corruption charges. Guo claims he is a political prisoner because of his knowledge of corruption among Chinese leaders. Guo also says that he had planned to disclose three internal Chinese government documents during the Hudson event. But instead he burned the documents after the event was canceled. That sounds a bit odd, but he probably had a good reason for doing that. Perhaps he felt those close to him had been compromised. Regardless, Guo says that he is maintaining close ties to supporters that are within the Chinese government and that he can still obtain internal classified documents. Simply possessing the top-secret document he distributed at the press conference could get a person jailed in China for three to five years. The document was issued by the National Security Council, a new Chinese government and Party entity headed by Chinese leader Xi Jinping.
From The Washington Free Beacon:
The MSS operatives will work under cover at the Bank of China branch offices and at Chinese diplomatic facilities in the United States.
The document is labeled “top secret” and dated April 27. It was released by Guo at a press conference in Washington during which he appealed for the U.S. government to wake up to the threat posed by China and counter it.
Guo said the authenticity of the document was confirmed by the U.S. government.
The directive to the MSS was formally called “The Request for Instructions on the Working Plan of Secretly Dispatching and 27 People’s Police Officers, He Jianfeng and Others from the Ministry of State Security to the United States on Field Duty in 2017.”
“We approve in principle,” the report says, adding “please carefully organize and implement.”
According to the document the MSS should follow Chinese ideology set out by the late leader Deng Xiaoping, as well as the concepts outlined in speeches by Xi, the current leader.
The document is one of the first internal documents to reveal how China is expanding intelligence activities targeting what it calls “hostile forces” in the United States.
The report details how the MSS was directed to “go according to the need of the strategic arrangements” of the Communist Party “against overseas hostile forces, strictly abide by our national principles of state security work on the United States, and use the opportunity of the rise of our comprehensive national strength and Sino-U.S. diplomatic relations tending to ease to further expand the scope and depth of the infiltration into the anti-China hostile forces in the United States.” These agents were to enter the US clandestinely in phases and “use the cover of the executives of the state-owned enterprises in the United States, such as the Bank of China (New York) to carry out solid intelligence collection, to incite defection of relevant individuals, and to conduct counter-espionage, etc.” The Chinese spies were told to focus on “extraordinarily significant criminal suspects, including Ling Wancheng, Guo Wengui, and Cheng Muyang, etc.” Ling is the brother of Ling Jihua, a former high-ranking Chinese official who China has accused of illegal activities and who defected to the United States in 2016. Cheng is a real estate mogul in Canada who China also accused of illegal activities. “If necessary, they should also actively support, cooperate with, and assist the personnel in the United States who conduct the United Front operations, diplomatic operations, and military intelligence operations to carry out related business,” the document states.
The Chinese government uses the United Front to influence operations to coopt Americans into supporting Beijing’s policies. They find many willing Marxists not only in DC, but on both coasts of the US. The directive urges the spies to “make contributions for further crushing overseas anti-China hostile forces.” The US is simply lousy with Chinese spies and has been for a long, long time. The MSS is encouraged to seek to strengthen the organization and provide after actions reports to the senior Party leadership. “We have friends all over the world … those who provide the documents are among the most senior people, including the current Politburo standing committee,” Guo said. “My material is real. Otherwise, they wouldn’t be afraid of it.”
Since the April directive, Guo claims an additional 50 spies have been sent to the US. China’s Public Security Ministry issued a statement denying China was behind the hack of a law firm representing Guo and the Hudson Institute. The ministry also disputed the authenticity of the document. “An official of the Ministry of Public Security states that, China paid close attention to such allegations and launched immediate investigation,” the statement put forth. “But no evidence has been found that China and its government have been involved with these incidents.” The Chinese also said that the documents revealed by Guo “utterly clumsily forged and full of obvious mistakes.” They would not clarify, but offered to help investigate the cyber attacks.
Guo is stating that China is currently engaged in a three-pronged campaign of subversion in the United States he labeled “Blue-Gold-Yellow,” with each color standing for a different line of attack. Blue represents large-scale Chinese cyber and Internet operations. Gold is for China’s use of money and financial power. Finally, yellow is part of a plan to use sex to undermine American society. Seems as if that one is pretty much done. Another program is the “Three Fs.” This is the plan to weaken the US, throw the country into turmoil and ultimately defeat America. Sounds a lot like Cloward and Piven.
Guo was imprisoned in China after the 1989 pro-democracy protests in Tiananmen Square and spent 22 months there. Chinese police also shot and killed his brother. After that, he became an entrepreneur, while preparing to expose corrupt Chinese leaders, a process he began in January. China has frozen $17 billion of his assets in China and they have imprisoned his business associates and his family. The Chinese are paranoid over this guy. Authorities are harassing those who even discuss Guo and it’s being referred to as “Guo Wengui-phobia.”
Guo left China in 2014. He is an outspoken critic of the country’s Communist Party. He now resides in New York. His accusations against the leaders of China have garnered him a huge following on Twitter and YouTube. For its part, China has issued a global “red notice” through Interpol for Guo’s arrest. Although the exact charges against him remain unclear, the country’s state-run media has previously accused him of bribing a vice-minister. And, in August, Chinese police opened a new investigation against the billionaire on rape charges. Guo is also facing a series of defamation lawsuits in the US from various Chinese individuals and companies. He denies all the allegations against him. I hope he has really great security, because China considers this man to be a big threat to them and they will stop at nothing to get him back.