By: Cliff Kincaid | Accuracy in Media
The epitaph of the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) is being written by cowardly corporations, spineless politicians, politically correct adults afraid to say anything, and of course the liberal media. The Washington Post and The New York Times have been on the front lines of the “progressive” movement that now seeks to abolish the differences between the sexes by using our children as guinea pigs in the latest version of their sick social experiment.
The BSA is near death, thanks to the most recent decision by the BSA leadership to admit girls who want to be boys. This lunacy is endorsed by the Post, which praises the BSA for adapting “in an era of rapid culture change.” In an editorial, “Welcoming Transgender Boy Scouts,” the Times declares that “The Boy Scouts are recognizing transgender boys for what they genuinely are: boys.” This is nonsense, of course. They are not boys. They are girls.
Homosexuals and others were always free to start their own organizations. Instead, however, they sought to dominate and destroy organizations training young people in the context of traditional values. Too many morally corrupted and compromised conservatives did not resist.
Conservatives who have done their homework will recognize the BSA takeover as the Gramsci strategy of marching through the institutions, named after the Italian Communist Antonio Gramsci. If they can conquer the Boy Scouts, there’s not much left. The churches and the religious believers who attend them constitute one possible last line of defense.
William A. Donohue recognized what was happening as far back as 1993, in his booklet, “On the Front Line of the Culture War: Recent Attacks on the Boy Scouts of America,” which was updated in 1996. The rest, as they say, is history.
In terms of organizations, the key group leading the legal assault on the Boy Scouts was the ACLU. Corporations like Levi Strauss and Wells Fargo also played roles by yanking funding.
Overall, in the society at large, Donohue cited the influence of the “new class,” the “modern liberals” who were “usually educated at America’s elite colleges and universities, who work in the media, the academy, government, and other non-profit sectors of the economy.” These people, he noted, were ideologically alienated from “bourgeois” society but were “strategically placed” in New York, Washington, D.C., Hollywood, and “on the faculties of most college campuses…”
This “new class,” he wrote, espouses “politically correct” thinking, consisting of “the view that any departure from the modem liberal agenda is racist, sexist or homophobic, and thus beyond the pale in modern society.”
Although the “new class” has conquered the Boy Scouts, there is some hope.
Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) is planning to introduce the First Amendment Defense Act (FADA), in order to protect the rights of people to associate with like-minded people opposed to sexual immorality and perversion. The proposed legislation specifically says that people can hire and fire based on their religious belief or moral conviction that marriage is, or should be, recognized as the union of one man and one woman, and that sexual relations are properly reserved to such a marriage.
Campaigning for office, Trump said, “If I am elected president and Congress passes the First Amendment Defense Act, I will sign it to protect the deeply held religious beliefs of Catholics and the beliefs of Americans of all faiths.”
Trump will be under enormous pressure to backtrack. Under the influence of his daughter Ivanka and her husband, he has already succumbed to pressure to keep President Obama’s executive order affirming special rights for homosexuals and transgendered people.
This insidious movement that has high-level supporters in the Trump White House and the media can only succeed by distorting the clear meaning of words and creating “fake news” about so-called progressive cultural change.
Consider what it means to be “morally straight,” which is a phrase in the Scout oath. As Donohue’s booklet notes, the Official Boy Scout Handbook once explained the meaning of “morally straight” in the Boy Scout Oath in these terms: “[w]hen you live up to the trust of fatherhood your sex life will fit into God’s wonderful plan of creation. Fuller understanding of wholesome sex behavior can bring you lifelong happiness.”
This has been reinterpreted. The BSA now says, “You stay morally straight when you do the right thing and live your life with honesty.”
The new politically correct language cannot disguise what is happening here. Children have become guinea pigs in social experimentation that is endorsed by the “new class.”
Commenting on the BSA decision to admit girls who claim to be boys, John Stemberger, Chairman of the Board of Trail Life USA, a pro-morality alternative to BSA, said it was simply stunning. He explained, “…knowing that boys and biological girls will be showering, dressing and camping in tents together create a clear child protection issue which is being ignored.”
The decision of the BSA is indeed stunning. But it’s worse than stunning for adults to participate in this fundamental transformation of America’s youth. It’s morally disgraceful and corrupt. They are permitting children to be taken away from their parents and used as cannon fodder for the next phase of the Cultural Revolution. The children are being encouraged to use dangerous chemicals and surgeries in order to impersonate members of the opposite sex. The inevitable results will be mental and physical suffering, suicide and death.
In order to disguise the truly evil nature of what is happening, media like the Post and Times accept and promote “fake news” that girls are boys. It is fake news of the worst order, since the term distorts the nature of human sexuality and threatens the health and welfare of children and young people.
Next stop: the churches and religious believers. Will Trump buckle on that fight, too?
Cliff Kincaid
Cliff Kincaid is the Director of the AIM Center for Investigative Journalism and can be contacted at cliff.kincaid@aim.org.View the complete archives from Cliff Kincaid.
Boyscout’s are children. Children don’t have sex. They don’t even get erections. Unless something has drastically changed since I was pre adolescent.
So this whole this is a sexualization of children. There are no homosexual children because children are non-sexual.
So this whole thing is pure paedophile.
And that is what these psychopaths will normalize next, and following it bestiality.
Homosexuality should be scientifically investigated and verified as a pathology. It never should have been declassified as one.
If I were to produce scientific research papers to such end I doubt I could even release them in the west any more. I would be persecuted by left wing psychopaths.
I would have to translate the research into Russian, Chinese & Arabic.
Because the west has urbanization disease. Madness caused by stress & overpopulation.