Lloyd Doggett, a long time Texas congressman from the Austin/San Antonio area, has finally come out of the socialist “closet.”
Dogget has held office as a legislator in the Texas State Senate and served as a justice on the Texas Supreme Court, before being elected to the U.S. House of Representatives in 1994.
Now after more than 20 years in Congress, Representative Doggett has finally joined the socialist Congressional Progressive Caucus.
Founded in 1991 by the Marxists of Democratic Socialists of America and their decades-long ally Bernie Sanders, the Progressive Caucus is now 74 members strong and is far and away the most powerful faction in the Democratic Party.
DSA backed Lloyd Doggett before he was even a congressman.
In July 1984, Houston DSA members decided to support that year’s election campaign, by then State Senator Lloyd Doggett.
According to the August 1984 newsletter of the Houston Democratic Socialists of America:
At the July meeting we decided that DSA should provide identifiable DSA campaign workrs to the Lloyd Doggett campaign this Fall.
Sen. Doggett is certainly a candidate we can all support enthusiastically…
If you would like to be a DSA Doggett volunteer, call Bruce Griffiths at….
But Rep. Doggett would never openly support DSA’s congressional front group.
In 2014, DSA front group Progressive Democrats of America assigned activists to deliver their material to almost every US Congressman and Senator, Tim Duda, a one time leader of San Antonio Democratic Socialists of America, was assigned as the contact for Rep. Doggett.
Since 2015, DSA’s Austin local has re-formed and is now several hundred members strong. It has huge influence in the Travis County Democratic Party and has forged a strong alliance with Rep. Doggett, partially through its front group, the Austin local of Texas Alliance for Retired Americans.
According to DSA member Glenn Scott, President of the Austin Chapter of Texas Alliance for Retired Americans:
“Austin Reports a Terrific Medicare Event”, June 2015;
We had a terrific event on Saturday. We have put Austin TARA on the Austin/Central Texas political and advocacy map! Over 147 people attended the event which means we met our goal of 150! In part due to Congressman Doggett’s great reputation, we brought in many new faces. We went well beyond the TARA contact list for this event.
We built stronger ties with labor groups through this event. At least 8 unions or CLC and Building trades council contributed $. One key to turnout was our list of over 30 endorsing organizations. Most of the endorsing organizations sent at least 1 or 2 and some brought as many as 8 to 10. Austin DSA got 10 members there and TSEU brought the most with at least 12 or more. Congressman Doggett’s staff was another factor, – they did a letter to constituents and sent emails and did press for us in addition to our own efforts…
Maybe Rep. Doggett feels that his DSA comrades have more than earned his open support? Maybe after more than 30 years in public office, it’s time for Lloyd Doggett to nail his socialist colors to the mast?
I am sorry to say that satan’s legions on the ( left ) will never stop their agenda. Their agenda is simple. Destroy the United States of America and the rest of the world at all cost. They have put man against woman, woman against man. They have sons fighting their fathers, fathers fighting their sons, daughters fighting their mothers and mothers fighting their daughters. They have people who want taking from those who have with the end goal of destroying the incentive of the ambitious. They have sanctioned some people who break laws to kill people who protect. They have run entire cities large and small into the ground and turned many communities into post-apocalyptic hell holes. I can go on and on until hell freezes over but winter is here in the great northwest. Unfortunately hell does not seem to be showing any signs of a temperature drop due to the mayhem the IEFT (left) continues to inflect on all of humanity.
Note: I never capitalize the word satan and in this comment the ( left ). satan and the left do not deserve my respect.
Thank you for your thoughts. I agree with you 100% and am actively working with others in Ohio to combat Communism/Socialism. I hope you, too, find an organization to join in the wonderful state of Texas to do the same. Ed in Columbus, OH