By: Merrill McCarthy
Recently, John Kerry announced the U.S. is adding an additional 15,000 refugees in 2016 and another 15,000 in 2017 to an already bloated Refugee Resettlement program which currently settles 70,000 a year in the U.S. So, that means by 2017, we will be placing 100,000 refugees in communities across the country. It is up to Congress to approve the appropriations to pay for this new program. Now may be the time for citizens to wake up and deliver a clear message that they do not want Congress to approve. How about starting with:
It is doubtful that anyone in authority really appreciates the level of outrage that is building every day. People do not want the unvetted horde of “Syrians” to enter without proper security clearance. It seems like the average Joe watching the nightly news has a better understanding of an enemy threat and the way to deal with it than our State Department. Watching the news, he sees thousands of fighting age men storming through Europe.
They travel alone and, if they have families, they have been left behind to fend for themselves. With fit muscle-toned bodies, they look like they could walk into any elite fighting force in the world. They arrive with Syrian passports, often counterfeit. They could be from anywhere. They seem to be doing little talking beyond their demand for refugee status.
Joe and his family do not want to welcome these new neighbors because they know ISIS has threatened to “weaponize” some of them. They don’t want a Trojan Horse that disgorges its fighters to attack us in our own heartland. It would be absurd to ignore the threat. Instead of bringing in more refugees, we should be declaring a moratorium on the entire program per H.B. 3314 introduced by Rep Babin, now with 10 co-sponsors. Many question whether proper vetting is even taking place for the 70,000 that have been arriving every year and calling for more congressional oversight per the House bill introduced by Rep. McCaul.
A moratorium and more oversight will help in another way too. We need to shine the light on this secretive Refugee Resettlement program. If Joe and his family think the money they offer in the collection plate at church is paying for this program they would be wrong. The names of the resettlement contractors may reference a religious affiliation, but the Lutherans and the Catholics are not paying for much of this, if at all. This program is funded by U.S. tax dollars. Tax dollars pay to place the refugees, but also to pay the contractor’s six figure salaries and their lobbyists based in Washington DC.
Joe and his family are kind and charitable people, always willing to lend a helping hand. Before learning about terrorist threats to attack us from within, they were favorably inclined to help the persecuted Christians in the Middle East. They were surprised to hear these Christian organizations are unable to help Christians because the UN is sending mainly Muslims. Yes, that’s right. The refugees are not even chosen by the U.S. and the vast majority sent are Muslims, in our country which is predominantly Christian. Joe was concerned, but decided at least they would be able to share the gospel with the newcomers. No can do, Joe. As federal contractors they are prohibited from having such a conversation. They even have to sign a contract promising they won’t talk religion.
The more Joe and family hear about this program the more they wonder why it would make any sense to be involved at all. Joe has never called his representative’s office in the past, but he is fired up today and plans to make some calls and hopes his friends will too. Joe sees that the greatest chance for short-term action is to recognize the power of the purse embodied in the upcoming Continuing Resolution that will fund the federal government to operate after October 1, 2015. Hence, Joe will be making calls into the congressional switchboard to lend his voice to the emerging national outcry:
Call your personal representative and senators with the same message. You can find their contact information here: