By: Terresa Monroe-Hamilton
Hat Tip: BB
A state of emergency has been declared in Baltimore and the National Guard was activated yesterday as things spiraled out of control after the Freddie Gray funeral. This follows a riot on Saturday that was the beginning of what I fear is a very, very violent summer.
I understood from reports yesterday that somewhere between 1,000 and 3,500 Maryland police officers were on the lines, as well as the National Guard and 5,000 officers from neighboring states that were called in to be on standby. This is beginning to look a lot like the riots in Baltimore after MLK was assassinated in 1968. What really touched me on this yesterday was seeing a pastor standing in front of the police by himself warding off the thuggish protestors. Then later in the evening, pastors and leaders marched down the street, while talking to young men trying to diffuse the explosive scenario playing out.
All of this started out as anti-police protests and the outcry over the death of Freddie Gray, who was arrested by police on April 12th and died a week later of a fatal spinal cord injury. 80% of his spinal cord was severed and the van carrying him gave him a rough ride to the police station, stopping three times on the way. They say that Gray stared at police and then took off on his bike and that was why he was arrested. I know the young man had a rap sheet, but if that is the case, there is no excuse for his arrest and certainly none for the way he was handled and killed. That does not excuse these riots which I feel are orchestrated for another agenda entirely by Marxists and Islamists.
Now riots are blooming and not just in Baltimore. Atlanta and New York are next on the violence parade of hits.
Fifteen police officers were hurt yesterday. The protestors threw huge bricks and rocks at them. Many suffered broken bones and one is still unresponsive. Two are in serious condition.
I watched a CVS Pharmacy get looted and burned. So did a Subway sandwich shop and a check cashing store. The rioters punctured the firefighter’s hose to that CVS fire, trying to make it worse. A $16 million nursing home built by a Baptist church, which was due to open in December after eight years of construction, has been burned to rubble on the city’s east side as violence spread from the west of the city. Just two blocks away, a housing development was also ablaze.
Many of these may have in fact been diversions to pull emergency services away from the west side of the city, in order to facilitate the continued looting of gun stores, check cashing stores, liquor stores and supermarkets well into Tuesday morning. Balaclava-clad mobs were seen ripping the doors off one rifle shop and passing weapons to people on the streets.
Families began to apply self-imposed martial law. They were terrified and fled their homes as raging fires spread block to block. All this after the governor took far too long to activate the National Guard and the mayor spouted the insane idiocy of letting the looters have room to destroy stuff.

Reminiscent of Saturday night, the protestors made their way to Camden Yards Stadium. The game there last night was suspended. Just as the mall was closed down at 1 pm and the CVS Pharmacy was closed as well. Good thing as it was looted and burned to the ground. The University also told all students to remain in their dorms and all schools are closed today, which will now allow the students to really be out en force. I don’t think they give a crap about any curfew declared.
There were over 2,500 at Gray’s funeral including civil rights leaders. A few hours later, rioters (mostly high school students to begin with) started throwing rocks at the police. Not all police were in riot gear, the ones that weren’t stood behind those that had the gear on. Things really got rolling at about 3 pm – there was a meme online calling for a purge to begin at 3 pm and like a flash mob, the students gathered and started getting violent. It’s as if it was practiced and rehearsed. I actually believe it was. It’s being claimed by media that police threw rocks at the protestors to fuel the conflict, which just sounds ridiculous to me. They may have thrown them in retaliation. Store owners were dragged out of their stores and beaten by these thugs, before their stores were looted and burned.
On Monday morning, three of the city’s most violent and dangerous gangs – Black Guerrilla Family, Crips and Bloods – announced an unprecedented alliance to ‘take out’ law enforcement officers, in a move that has prompted fears for police safety across the country. It is said that each gang planned to kill one police officer. BFG sports some of the city’s most violent criminals. The man who killed two NYPD cops in December last year, Ismaaiyl Brinsley, was believed to have ties to the deadly group. But even with all this going on, a Bloods member pulled a Baltimore Sun Journalist to safety during a fight. That was the exception. Earlier in the day, the Bloods and the Crips linked arms with the Nation of Islam leaders. If you haven’t figured it out yet… Islamists who sympathize with ISIS and Marxists are behind this chaos. It’s orchestrated for maximum violence.
The cops were obviously overwhelmed and outnumbered. They were actually in retreat as rocks were thrown at them. The National Guard won’t even come out until today and just as in Ferguson, it is way too late.

LA is now prepping for the worst. The LAPD has ordered all officers to work in pairs after violent gangs issued ‘credible threats’ to ‘take out’ law enforcement. A ‘blue alert’ was issued across the California city on Monday amid fears people across the country will attempt ‘revenge attacks’ on police for the death of Freddie Gray. Protests are scheduled for Atlanta and New York City on Wednesday.
From the Washington Times:
Law enforcement intelligence officials have put out a warning that someone has sent a text calling on people to kill “all white police officers” in reaction to the death of Freddie Gray while in Baltimore police custody, raising fears violence could spread nationally, according to safety memos obtained by The Washington Times.
Officers are being warned of possible ambushes and urged to change travel patterns and to tone down clothes or emblems that identify them as police.
The Baltimore police department separately put out a press release on Monday saying various gangs, including the Black Guerrilla Family, Bloods and Crips “have entered into a partnership to ‘take out’ law enforcement.”
A memo from the West Virginia Intelligence Fusion Center is more specific, saying the gangs’ targets are white officers. Its report quotes another memo from the Eastern Shore Information Center in Salisbury, Md.
“Law enforcement officers are reminded to remain vigilant when conducting traffic stops and in general contact with citizens,” says the West Virginia center, which monitors criminals.
The Eastern Shore center “officer safety bulletin” states that the Caroline County Sheriff’s Office received information from a citizen who received a text with a Chicago area code.
The text said, “Kill all white police officers!! As many as you can!! Bunch of thugs with badges!!”
The Eastern Shore center took the text seriously enough to send out a warning to officers.
The guidance states, “Law enforcement officers are encouraged to remain vigilant when conducting traffic stops or other ‘routine’ contacts with citizens. Officers should be mindful of suspicious calls for service that maybe be conducive of an ambush.”

Enter Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson – both are now in the mix and Sharpton vows to lead a march. Black leaders wish he would just go back home and leave an already tense situation alone.

In the end, the rioters were threatening anyone who was not black. It was as racist as it gets. A race war is brewing and I believe that is exactly what Obama and company want. The Baltimore mayor’s office says there were 144 vehicle fires, 15 structures fires and nearly 200 arrests in the unrest that broke out in the city. There were also arrests and protests in Ferguson, Missouri. More to come definitely.
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