Obama’s Platform Is Eerily Similar to the Communist Party USA’s

The Independent Sentinel


Have you noticed the similarities between Barack Obama’s platform and that of the Communist Party USA (CPUSA)? The correlations are undeniable to anyone who is being honest.

Americans voted for this man not once, but twice! Al Sharpton did say that the American people knew they were voting for socialism when they voted for Barack Obama.

Listen to the Communist propaganda video below which was put out by the Communist Party USA. It puts out an idyllic vision based on the lie that a few people with all the power will allow the collective to thrive.

This is their platform: people before profit – translation, hate the rich; good jobs, green jobs, they’re synonymous apparently; reform prison – leniency for lawbreakers; equality and fairness; nature before profits; healthcare; socialism is a necessity; people, community, harmony, freedom, education, justice, peace; peace and harmony through communism.

Capitalism is the only thing keeping us back, the video claims. We want change, they demand (is that something like Hope and Change?):

Do you like the sleekness of the presentation? They start out zeroing in on a priest and then there is that great music and the blossoming flower.

The video is actually pushing for the overthrow of Capitalism. They need to be tried for treason, instead they get more respect than Conservatives who are demonized as racists, lunatics, and flat-earthers in no small measure due to Obama’s influence.


Communism has at its core a hatred for what they say is an exploitation of the working class and poor on the part of the rich. To achieve equity, the money must be redistributed from the rich to everyone else who didn’t earn it. It’s the class struggle.

Obama likes to play up the class struggle as his policies create an even wider divide between rich and poor by diminishing the middle class. It’s built on the illogical and debunked premise that workers who earn pay for equivalent labor are exploited – there must be income equality no matter who earns what.

Profits, competition, and individual success have no room in their system.

There is also the belief that the government and not the individuals should own the land because private ownership of land drives men to commit offenses, in fact, they believe it’s a driving force of evil.

These selected quotes ascribed to the Communists are excerpted from the CPUSA’s party platform which I will not link to.

COMMUNISTS: “The great wealth of the United States will for the first time be for the benefit of all the people. Foreign policy will be based on mutual respect, peace, and solidarity. The peoples democratic rights will be guaranteed and expanded. Racial, gender, and social equality will be the basis of domestic policies and practices.”

OBAMA: Redistributing healthcare and U.S. resources is a cornerstone of Obamanism. Respect for Putin was the basis of the reset. The equality issue is for all except for Republicans and Conservatives. It’s not for ranchers either, Obama was ready to have them shot in Nevada these past couple of weeks. Income inequality, the war against women and the unfairness towards LGBTs is the mantra for 2014 and 2016.

COMMUNISTS: “We, the working people of the United States, face tremendous problems today: exploitation, oppression, racism, sexism, a deteriorating environment and infrastructure, huge budget deficits, and a government dominated by the most vicious elements of big capital and its political operatives. This government, despite its rhetoric about making Americans safe, has wasted hundreds of billions on the invasion and occupation of Iraq while it cut money for maintaining the levees leading directly to the disaster that Hurricane Katrina wreaked on the people of New Orleans and much of the Gulf Coast.”

OBAMA: He would say exactly the same thing if his words ever reflected his actions.

COMMUNISTS: “We as a country face serious choices: militarism and imperialism or peace, increased wealth for the few or justice and equality for the many, increased power in the hands of the super-rich or expansion of democracy for the vast majority, ultra-right domination of all branches of government which deals with problems by increasing exploitation and oppression or progressive electoral coalitions that seek real solutions in the interests of all working people.”

OBAMA: Obama certainly has no interest in militarism. He’s reducing the size of our Army to slightly larger than Miramar’s as he destroys all our nuclear warheads. He does want to take money from the rich, but this is where the two platforms differ. Obama is no friend to small business but he does like the super rich and his crony friends. He can’t make them rich enough as long as they are engaged in green energy and his other agenda items. He is a fan of Wall Street.

COMMUNISTS: “The ultra-right is led by the most reactionary, militaristic, racist, anti-democratic sectors of the transnationals. They gain support for their ultra-right agenda from other political trends and social groups, most of which are misled as to their real interests, sometimes blinded by the propaganda of fear and scapegoating.”

The CPUSA are opposed to any new sanctions on Iran. That is considered far-right. They want peaceful negotiations.

“We must unite lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and straight people; professionals and intellectuals; seniors; and the disabled; and the mass peoples movements including the peace, environmental, health care, education, housing, and other movements. This all-peoples front to defeat the ultra-right is in the process of developing, learning, and being tested in giant struggles for peace, to protect social programs and services, to win health care for all, and to win control of all three branches of government from the right wing.”

OBAMA: Obama thinks anyone who is not as radical as he is are militaristic, racist and anti-democratic (as in socialist democratic). He is uniting everyone against the right with a divide and conquer technique. If you don’t support gay marriage, you are anti-gay; if you don’t support Obama, you’re a racist; if you want the borders closed, you’re a nativist; and if you want to keep your weapons, you are unforgivably militaristic and violent. Obama wants control of the three branches of government.

Communists believe the legal system is thoroughly racist and anti-working class. “U.S. prisons are bursting with over 2 million prisoners, with virtually no serious efforts at prevention or rehabilitation. Prisoners face widespread abuse and the anti-labor exploitation of prisoners for sub-minimum wages.”

Who can deny that this is Eric Holder’s belief? They want to go easy on crime.

The Communists want:

  • a National Popular Vote;
  • to replace U.S. foreign policy that protects U.S. interests with a policy of international cooperation;
  • replace the Bill of Rights with the U.N. s Universal Declaration of Human Rights;
  • complete separation of church and state;
  • full legal protection from hate crimes and racial profiling and “outlawing of oral and written racist propaganda”;
  • affirmative action; growth of public ownership of industries and a guaranteed right to a job at living wages or full income through government jobs;
  • expansion of union rights;
  • full funding for education, housing, day care, Social Security, universal health care, youth job training and recreation and cultural programs;
  • compensate minorities for previous wrongs;
  • no taxes for workers and low or middle income workers placing the burden on the rich;
  • slash the military;
  • media to be government owned and controlled.

Obama for his part appears to support:

  • voter IDs be eliminated which plays well into the National Popular Vote;
  • he has a policy of “international cooperation” which our enemies are taking advantage of;
  • he has called us a secular nation and supports a radical separation of church and state. There is also the HHS mandate;
  • our new Common Core is a propaganda machine for the U.N.s Marxist “Universal Declaration of Human Rights”;
  • Obama sees racism, hate crimes everywhere. He has been clear about wanting free speech limited if it is offensive to others;
  • his income inequality is all about living wages;
  • he can’t spend enough on entitlements. He thinks our money is his;
  • he has engaged in reparations for minorities. The Pigford settlement is only one example. His push for universal day care is unquestionably extreme;
  • only 2% of the bottom 50% pay federal taxes right now;
  • the military is being slashed;
  • Obama already controls the media.

Is that what Obama meant when he said this?

Glenn Beck has been on this story for several years and though I don’t agree with everything he says, these videos have some very valid information. Listen to his videos from 2010 and see if you think he was somewhat prescient:

Part I

Communism still exists only it’s no longer condemned.

Part II

How did we get here?

Part III

Evan’s law – inadequate paranoia – no matter how bad you think things are, they’re always worse.

Part IV

How to silence Conservatives.


Barack Obama was a “red diaper baby.” His grandfather and parents were Communists. His grandfather allegedly had him mentored by his friend and fellow Communist and pedophile, Franklin Marshall Davis. Davis was on the FBI security list which means he could have been arrested or detained in the event of an attack.

He was thought to be a Haole hater (Caucasian). He worked on at least one committee with Vernon Jarrett for a communist-infested Packing-House Workers’ Union. Vernon Jarrett is the father-in-law of Valerie Jarrett, Barack Obama’s closest advisor.

A key wiki report uncovered an article by Toby Harnden published in the Telegraph on August 22, 2008 which revealed the influence Communist Frank Marshall Davis had on the young Barack Obama.

According to Obama’s Dreams From My Father, Davis told Obama he had “reason to hate white people.” This prompted Obama to write: “To avoid being mistaken for a sellout, I chose my friends carefully. The more politically active Black students. The foreign students. The Chicancos. The Marxist professors and structural feminists and punk-rock performance poets.”

Obama has refuted the claim that he was mentored by Davis but the two had a minimum of 15 long meetings as he was growing up.

An American Spectator article points out that “there are some truly remarkable similarities between the political actions of Obama and the ideas in Frank Marshall Davis’ columns: rejecting Winston Churchill; vilifying and targeting General Motors, a company Davis would have been thrilled to nationalize; advocating wealth redistribution from greedy corporations to health insurance and public works projects; favoring taxpayer funding of universal health care; supporting government stimulus; bashing Wall Street; trumpeting the public sector over the private sector; lambasting ‘excess profits’; warning God-and-gun clinging Americans about huckster preachers; seeking the political support of the ‘social justice’ religious left for various causes and campaigns; excoriating the ‘tentacles of big business,’ bankers, big oil, the ‘Big Boys,’ corporate profits, fat cats and their ‘fat contracts’; lambasting tax cuts that ‘spare the rich’ and that only benefit millionaires; singling out the ‘corporation executive’ for not paying his ‘fair’ share; and on and on. These thoughts and words of Frank Marshall Davis bear an uncanny resemblance to Obama’s thoughts and words and actions.’”

Barack isn’t a typical American Black. He has more in common with Indonesians and foreign students than Americans and American Blacks. As a young man, he went to the finest Hawaiian schools when he wasn’t being schooled in Indonesia.

Barack spent 20 years in a Black Liberation Theology church with an anti-Semitic, anti-white Marxist preacher, Jeremiah Wright.

He got his political start in the living room of Bill Ayers, the radical Communist who terrorized New York City as a Weatherman in the late 1960′s and early 1970′s.


In all this, I haven’t mentioned his lawlessness. Barack Obama does not enforce the laws he was elected to enforce and the media has applauded him for it. The American people seem apathetic. Are Americans ready for Communism? Was freedom too heavy a burden to bear?

This is all circumstantial evidence but there is so much more. At what point, does one have to seriously consider why Barack Obama’s platform is so similar to that of the CPUSA?


Author: Admin

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3 thoughts on “Obama’s Platform Is Eerily Similar to the Communist Party USA’s

  1. In the 1980’s, the American Communist Party realized that the American people would never support them at the poles. So they switched strategy.

    They moved into the most logical of the two major parties, the Democrat Party, already a left-leaning organization. They spent the next decade forcing conservatives (yes, Virginia, there used to be conservative Democrats) and even most ‘moderates’ out of the party. This pushed the Democrat Party to the extreme left.

    The bitter fruits of their labors are readily apparent today. Today’s Democrat Party is a radical, hate-filled, racist organization. It opposes everything wholesome that nurtured a successful America.

    Obama is just the latest product of this ‘long march’. They celebrate his imperial actions because they know that no one with common sense will ever willingly go along with their perverse and destructive ideas.

    Morality demands that we oppose these evil efforts, without reservations.

    “All that is necessary for evil to triumph, is for good men to do nothing”

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