The Denver Post – More than 10,000 pack the arena and thousands are turned away. I sense a landslide victory.
I watched these videos and wept – you can’t believe the streams of cars and people who surged to the event. Obama, be afraid – be very afraid. The trek for freedom has only begun and divine providence is at hand.
End time servant:
I do agree with you that the Antichrist is iminent and he will set the stage for what will happen to the world, however, even Jesus supported those people who want to see goodness prevail in the world.
So, what is with the fatalistic attitude you use in your post concerning the Rothchild’s? Yes, they all will be judged, same as Obama, you or I.
If Jesus was on the earth today, I believe He would put his support behind Mitt Romney both in finances, but surely in prayer.
What are you doing?
what should he be afraid mr Obama is a puppet doing his job Romney is a puppet doing his job both for the Rothschilds lucifers pope and leader along with so many other minions including the Nwo catholic church nothing is going to change either way the AntiChrist is on the way blind people Our Lord said who goi g to left when I return very few if any all the excitement two forces of evil controlled by the same master lucifer
Please, stop drinking the koolaid. Obama had his chance, and 4 years later and trillions in deficits, we are worse off. Not the change people were voting for in 2008. Romney/Ryan 2012!!!