Posted in 2012 Election Barack Obama Featured Red Reps Social Movements Socialism/Communism Socialist Opinion Shapers Video

Yes He Is! “The Unvetted”

The story of how Cliff Kincaid (and me) broke the story of the connection between Barack Obama and Communist Party USA, member Frank Marshall Davis…

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Posted in 2012 Election Barack Obama Featured Red Reps Social Movements Socialism/Communism Socialist Opinion Shapers Video

Obama is NOT a Communist! Thanks to Neil.

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Posted in 2012 Election Barack Obama Latin America Middle East North America Radical Islam Socialism/Communism Socialist Opinion Shapers

The Mosaic of War

NoisyRoom By: Terresa Monroe-Hamilton My all-time favorite author is Dean Koontz. He has a way of telling a story that is absolutely riveting, humorous and…

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