Posted in Liberty North America Social Movements Socialism/Communism Socialist Opinion Shapers Video

J. Christian Adams Talks To Tony Katz How Citizens Can End “SWATting”

NoisyRoom Hat Tip: Nancy Jacques In the wake of the coverage of Brett Kimberlin and his tactics, editor Erick Erickson found himself the victim…

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Posted in Liberty North America Social Movements Socialism/Communism Socialist Opinion Shapers

Breaking… Blogger Aaron Walker Arrested after Maryland Hearing on Kimberlin Case

NoisyRoom By: Andrea Shea King The Radio Patriot Top Item at Memeorandum: Robert Stacy McCain / The Other McCain: REPORT: Aaron Walker Arrested After Maryland…

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Posted in Featured Social Movements Socialism/Communism Socialist Opinion Shapers Video

Communist Propaganda Coup: Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans Trash Medals at NATO Summit

A Communist Party USA propaganda video, shot during the recent communist led protests against NATO in Chicago. U.S. veterans of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars…

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Posted in Barack Obama Social Movements Socialism/Communism Socialist Opinion Shapers

This Week’s Watcher’s Forum Question: Prediction – What Will Happen In The Trayvon Martin Case?

The Watcher’s Council This week’s Watcher’s Forum question concerns the Trayvon Martin case, which involves neighborhood watch volunteer George Zimmerman and one Trayvon Martin, who…

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