Ed Asner: Socialist Promotes “9/11 Was an Inside Job” Disinformation

The far left Institute for Policy Studies, Democratic Socialists of America, Russia Today and Libya’s Mathaba news agency and Van Jones have all been major promoters of the disinformation theme that the 9/11 attacks were planned and executed on US government orders.

Why do the enemies of America so vigorously promote this BS?

Because it divides American conservatives, creates even more distrust of government and the security services and diverts patriot’s attention from the numerous genuine and more pressing threats that America faces.

That’s the purpose of disinformation – divide, confuse and eventually conquer.

Here’s well known actor, leftist and Democratic Socialists of America member, Ed Asner, adding more fuel to the flames.


Author: Admin

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57 thoughts on “Ed Asner: Socialist Promotes “9/11 Was an Inside Job” Disinformation

  1. “Far left groups” Ha Ha !

    Not by any stretch of the imagination. These are left liberal revisionist groups at best. Evidence of how far right the US imperialist empire is

  2. (Russia’s 9/11 Part III)


  3. (Russia’s 9/11 Part II)

    It’s interesting to note how Western pundits who would likely dismiss as nonsense the mere suggestion of a 9/11 conspiracy have no problem at all assessing the Russian apartment bombings as state terror. David Satter, a fellow of the Hoover Institution and the Hudson Institute and former Moscow correspondent for the Financial Times of London, wrote “The Shadow of Ryazan” with funding from the Smith Richardson Foundation, an abbreviated version of which was published by The National Review: http://www.nationalreview.com/comment/comment-satter043002.asp

    It’s funny how easily the generalized dismissals of conspiracy, such as how it is “BS” that “divides American conservatives, creates even more distrust of government and the security services and diverts patriot’s attention from the numerous genuine and more pressing threats that America faces,” or that “something so big couldn’t be kept a secret,” vanish into one’s political blind spots. That is, to the opinion makers, conspiracy can be the most reasonable explanation of events, so long as it’s OVER THERE, and it’s something THEY do. Satter finds the FSB guilty of waging a false-flag terror campaign against the Russian people, but don’t expect him to be called a kook in a tinfoil hat for it.

  4. (Russia’s 9/11 Part II)

    It’s interesting to note how Western pundits who would likely dismiss as nonsense the mere suggestion of a 9/11 conspiracy have no problem at all assessing the Russian apartment bombings as state terror. David Satter, a fellow of the Hoover Institution and the Hudson Institute and former Moscow correspondent for the Financial Times of London, wrote “The Shadow of Ryazan” with funding from the Smith Richardson Foundation, an abbreviated version of which was published by The National Review: http://www.nationalreview.com/comment/comment-satter043002.asp

    It’s funny how easily the generalized dismissals of conspiracy, such as how it is “BS” that “divides American conservatives, creates even more distrust of government and the security services and diverts patriot’s attention from the numerous genuine and more pressing threats that America faces,” or that “something so big couldn’t be kept a secret,” vanish into one’s political blind spots. That is, to the opinion makers, conspiracy can be the most reasonable explanation of events, so long as it’s OVER THERE, and it’s something THEY do. Satter finds the FSB guilty of waging a false-flag terror campaign against the Russian people, but don’t expect him to be called a kook in a tinfoil hat for it.




  5. (Russia’s 9/11 Part I)

    We’d never seen anything like 9/11. Except we had, and didn’t recognize it. We needn’t go back to Operation Northwoods, the Lavon Affair, or the other false flag conspiracies of suppressed history. Just two summers before, nearly identical mechanisms of terror and control were deployed upon the Russian people to consolidate the transfer of power to Vladimir Putin, who was facing his first election, and to provide the pretext to invade Chechnya.

    Four apartment complexes had been bombed and 300 killed. Putin promised to “liquidate all terrorists.” He proclaimed Russia was facing a war between “good” and “evil.” “It’s our boys,” said Putin, fanning war fever and hysteria, “against terrorists” belonging to an “international Islamic conspiracy.”

    Residents in the city of Ryazan discovered a huge bomb in their basement and called the local police. Initially, federal authorities claimed terrorists had been thwarted, but when the perpetrators were apprehended shortly thereafter by Ryazan police, and found to be agents of Russia’s security service FSB, the story changed: it was now claimed to have been an “exercise,” and the sack of explosive hexogen was said to have contained nothing but “sugar.” In 2002, an incurious Duma voted against a parliamentary inquiry into the bombing campaign.

    The war in Chechnya is ongoing. 10% of the Chechen population is dead. Thousands of Russian conscript soldiers are dead.

    Disbelief, a documentary regarding the bombings and the revelation of state guilt, may be viewed here: http://video.google.ca/videoplay?docid=7658755847655738553&q=Disbelief

    Not only by history’s precedence, but by current events, 9/11 isn’t really that extraordinary.

    1. Nice work Daniel.

      Looks like even Trevor is picking up on the censorship game. My last comment from over 12 hours ago is still “awaiting moderation.”

      One at a time, again and again, will win this war.


  6. Max, you wrote “If 9/11 was an “inside job”, how many men and time would it have taken to haul all those explosives inside the building and strategically plant them?

    Come on guys. The building had security men and cameras and would have spotted people in unauthorized areas, plus hauling in so much explosives would have gotten the attention of someone.”

    You’re right, the bomb-sniffing dogs would have noticed the explosives, except they had been removed the week prior to 9/11.

    According to BYU physics professor Steven Jones, 10 men each carrying 40 pounds of demolition charges making 10 trips would be enough to bring down one of the Twin Towers.

    And the explosives intended to blow up the George Washington Bridge on 9/11 were certainly noticed by the FBI, which said that “enough explosives were in the truck to do great damage to the George Washington Bridge.”

  7. We’d never seen anything like 9/11. Except we had, and didn’t recognize it. We needn’t go back to Operation Northwoods, the Lavon Affair, or the other false flag conspiracies of suppressed history. Just two summers before, nearly identical mechanisms of terror and control were deployed upon the Russian people to consolidate the transfer of power to Vladimir Putin, who was facing his first election, and to provide the pretext to invade Chechnya.

    Four apartment complexes had been bombed and 300 killed. Putin promised to “liquidate all terrorists.” He proclaimed Russia was facing a war between “good” and “evil.” “It’s our boys,” said Putin, fanning war fever and hysteria, “against terrorists” belonging to an “international Islamic conspiracy.”

    Residents in the city of Ryazan discovered a huge bomb in their basement and called the local police. Initially, federal authorities claimed terrorists had been thwarted, but when the perpetrators were apprehended shortly thereafter by Ryazan police, and found to be agents of Russia’s security service FSB, the story changed: it was now claimed to have been an “exercise,” and the sack of explosive hexogen was said to have contained nothing but “sugar.” In 2002, an incurious Duma voted against a parliamentary inquiry into the bombing campaign.

    The war in Chechnya is ongoing. 10% of the Chechen population is dead. Thousands of Russian conscript soldiers are dead.

    Disbelief, a documentary regarding the bombings and the revelation of state guilt, may be viewed here: http://video.google.ca/videoplay?docid=7658755847655738553&q=Disbelief

    Not only by history’s precedence, but by current events, 9/11 isn’t really that extraordinary.

    It’s interesting to note how Western pundits who would likely dismiss as nonsense the mere suggestion of a 9/11 conspiracy have no problem at all assessing the Russian apartment bombings as state terror. David Satter, a fellow of the Hoover Institution and the Hudson Institute and former Moscow correspondent for the Financial Times of London, wrote “The Shadow of Ryazan” with funding from the Smith Richardson Foundation, an abbreviated version of which was published by The National Review: http://www.nationalreview.com/comment/comment-satter043002.asp

    It’s funny how easily the generalized dismissals of conspiracy, such as how it “meets a psychological need,” or that “something so big couldn’t be kept a secret,” vanish into one’s political blind spots. That is, to the opinion makers, conspiracy can be the most reasonable explanation of events, so long as it’s OVER THERE, and it’s something THEY do. Satter finds the FSB guilty of waging a false-flag terror campaign against the Russian people, but don’t expect him to be called a kook in a tinfoil hat for it.




  8. Don’t make this a left vs. right topic, because it isn’t. People on all sides of the spectrum find enough reason to question what happened that day. When I first started reading about it, I thought no way would that be true. It took me at least a year to begin to feel a little convinced of what really happened that day. I too saw the planes hit. Nobody here should have enough trust in government to believe anything they say. I’m sure it was just luck that 2 of the alleged hijackers passports just happened to land in the hands of the FBI. What luck it was that the bags of the hijackers containing evidence that implicated them, didn’t make it on the planes. By the way people can keep secrets, the “Manhattan Project” was huge but it stayed under wraps for years. People have come out on this false flag but their message is kept from getting any traction by labeling it a conspiracy theory. And on a final note as one who does electrical work, it would easy to bring in, and install demolition material, and equipment.

  9. I believe in a lot of conspiracies, but this one requires too much. Too many people would be needed to pull this off, and the odds that not one of them would come forward? Not very likely.

    There are whistle blowers in every aspect of work, not to mention government.

    Here’s what it boils down to: evidence. Evidence shows that 19 well trained men manipulated loopholes in national security, hijacked 4 commercial jets and carried out a terrorist attack. Did the CIA help them? By not allowing the CIA to communicate with the FBI about suspects, I guess you could argue complicity, but only by neglect.

    If the government could do that, then they would have planted WMD’s in Iraq. And then we would have taken their oil.

    They’re just not that competent.

    1. Mark, You said “but this one requires too much. Too many people would be needed to pull this off, and the odds that not one of them would come forward? Not very likely”
      After you watch this video you probably say aaahh I didn’t know that! So many 9/11 witnesses or people who would seem to have knowledge of the cover up have been mysteriously dying, this all can’t be a coincidence?
      Also you said “19 well trained men manipulated loopholes in national security, hijacked 4 commercial jets and carried out a terrorist attack”, just watch Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura: “9/11 Pentagon” like one of the fellows who took up one of these so called terrorist said that the fellow could hardly fly a real small plane let alone a huge jet he was that incompetent!

      1. Look, I’m not saying that its impossible that it was an inside job, just that its improbable.

        And again, a government competent enough to pull this off would also be able to plant WMD’s in Iraq.

        There’s several things I believe the government to be guilty of doing. This one just doesn’t hold water.

        1. The whole world was scrutinizing the WMD situation, not so with 911 which came out of the blue. Would you assume that if a burglar successfully broke into your house as you slept and robbed you that he would be just as capable of doing it again the following night?

    2. “Mark, You said “but this one requires too much. Too many people would be needed to pull this off, and the odds that not one of them would come forward? Not very likely”

      The Operation Northwoods conspiracy, which included the intention to “blow up a US ship in Guantanamo Bay and blame Cuba” and to “develop a Communist Cuban terror campaign in the Miami area, in other Florida cities and even Washington” also would have required a fair amount of people to pull it off. Yet nevertheless all of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff gave their approval for that conspiracy.

      1. And yet here we are, discussing the cancelled operation. Why? Because at least one person didn’t keep their mouths shut.

  10. July 2, 2011: Wars of 9/11 Retribution- Pro Lifer Responds
    Add 9 more signatures ( 516 Edmonton Total ) Sidewalk front of Jupiter’s Pipes Whyte Ave. and 104th. Street Saturday afternoon. Exclusive Interview with Pro Life Activist – 9/11 Speakers Corner on YouTube: Pro-Life Activist Johnathan shares his thoughts on abortion and 9/11 Retribution in Afghanistan.
    [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qH9anoVdDJ4&w=425&h=349%5D

    I also met today a towering gentleman Renny to whom I had the pleasure meeting for the first time as our paths crossed back in May 14 th when I was doing 911 civil information at the same farmer’s market location. A burly retired blue collar worker on a bike with a new lease on life, by getting in shape riding his bike all over the map of Edmonton. Renny was full of wisdom and philosophy accented with the odd fuck’n adjective between his sentences. A proud family man with a zeal for enjoying the day chatted with me for almost a good hour sharing ideas on politics and questioning 9/11. I asked him several times to consider signing my petition but he boldly refused. “I need to look into this more before I sign” he said. Like so many who reach a point of hearing about the 3rd building world trade center 7, Nano Thermite, and many of the unanswered questions surrounding the events of 9/11 he needed time to research it more before committing his signature to a petition that demands for a public made in Canada investigation of 9/11. Well today I asked Renny again ” would you consider signing my petition today?” He smiled and whipped my clip board from my hands and with-out a word of debate or second thought- signed my petition today..

  11. Einstein warned us that, “Condemnation without investigation is the height of ignorance”

    For those who believe the preposterous government and NIST pseudo-explanations of the failure of the three WTC buildings, One, Two and Seven, let us consider the failure of building Seven.

    Building 7 was a 47-story skyscraper and was part of the World Trade Center complex. Built in 1984, it would have been the tallest high-rise in 33 states in the United States. It collapsed at 5:20 pm on September 11, 2001. It was not hit by an airplane and suffered minimal damage compared to other buildings much closer to the Twin Towers.

    There is no way in our present universe governed predictably by physics that WTC Building Seven could have fallen due to a few sporadic fires as the NIST and other government reports concluded.

    Let’s look at some facts:

    No plane struck the 47-story World Trade Center skyscraper (Building 7). This was a robust and well built skyscraper that housed several intelligence and law enforcement agencies, and the NYC Office of Emergency Management’s Emergency Operations Center, more commonly known as “Giuliani’s Bunker”.

    According to the official reports, it is supposedly to have imploded in upon itself and fell at free fall speed due to a few sporadic fires. ?

    Only three steel framed skyscrapers in the history of the world have ever fell due primarily to fire damage, WTC One, Two and WTC Building Seven. And they all fell on one day, 9/11/2001. And they were all owned by the same people, Larry Silverstein and Frank Lowy. And they were insured for billions despite the fact that they were purchased at fire sale price of about 100 million. (Just a coincidence that physics was defied in one place, at one time, so a few guys could collect 7 billion dollars plus?)

    1. There is no mention of the collapse of Building 7 in The 9/11 Commission Report but during it’s last public comments regarding Building 7, the Commission said it was at a loss to explain how this building came down, but that it was probably due to fire.

      The New York Times characterized as “perhaps the deepest mystery in the investigation,” a FEMA-report appendix about a steel specimen recovered from Building 7, rather like Swiss cheese, a product of extraordinarily high temperatures. Sporadic fires of office materials cannot melt steel beams into slag and Swiss cheese, refer to physics 101.

      Independent researchers have discovered a highly engineered explosive-incendiary material in several dust samples collected near the WTC site. In their paper, entitled Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe, nine researchers, led by chemist Niels Harrit of the University of Copenhagen, conclude: “[T]he red layer of the red/gray chips we have discovered in the WTC dust is active, unreacted thermitic material, incorporating nanotechnology, and is a highly energetic pyrotechnic or explosive material.”

      1,500+ architects and engineers have signed a petition calling for a new investigation into the destruction of Building 7, specifying that it should include a full inquiry into the possible use of explosives.

      1. Do the research and you tell me: the buildings were imploded with military grade nano-thermite demolition charges, Larry Silverstein and Frank Lowy had purchased the buildings for a few million and received insurance payments in the billions. PNAC and the neo-cons got the “Pearl Harbor type event” that they had wanted to justify U.S. military involvement in the gulf and beyond and impose the unConstitutional, unpatriotic police state control grid known as the “patriot act”

        Who had the means, motive and opportunity to commit such an atrocity?

        “The truth is a great and terrible thing. The wise submit when confronted by it.”

  12. Foreknowledge of World Trade Center Building 7’s collapse.
    Watch the video… witnesses galore!

    Unimpeachable evidence that it was a controlled demolition along with all the forensic evidence — e.g.the nano-composite, unexploded flakes of military grade explosives found in all the World Trade Center dust samples by scientists (peer-reviewed,published and unchallenged…any and all researching scientists found these unexploded explosive flakes and the accompanying explosive residues).

    Families of the victims of 9/11 and engineers and architects demand a supoena powered investigation.

    [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=McF4flr2dYs&w=300&h=200%5D

  13. Catch up Trevor. Google “Remember Building 7”, “Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth” and “Patriots for 9/11 Truth”.

    You might find this easier though: “9/11 Truth – Hollywood Speaks Out” – 2.5 hours of celebrities presenting the evidence:


    Charlie Sheen (Actor: Platoon, Wall Street, Two and a Half Men)
    Alex Jones (Radio Host/Film Producer)
    Daniel Sunjata (Actor: Rescue Me, Grey’s Anatomy, The Devil Wears Prada)
    Jesse Ventura (Actor, Author, TV Host, former Governor of Minnesota)
    Dean Haglund (Actor: The X-Files/The Lone Gunman)
    Willie Nelson (Singer/Actor)
    Mark Ruffalo (Actor: Shutter Island, The Kids Are All Right)
    Rosie O’Donnell (Actress/TV Host: The View)
    Martin Sheen (Actor: The West Wing, Apocalypse Now)
    Geraldo Rivera (TV Host: Geraldo at Large)

    Also featuring:

    Aaron Russo (Film Director/Producer: The Rose, Trading Places)
    Al Franken (TV Host: Air America)
    Bob McElwaine (Victims Family Member)
    Christine Ebersole (Singer/Actress)
    Dave Mustaine (Musician/Singer: Megadeath)
    David Icke (Author, Lecturer & former BBC Sports Broadcaster)
    David Lynch (Film Director: Twin Peaks, Blue Velvet)
    Ed Asner (Actor: The Mary Tyler Moore Show, Lou Grant, Up)
    Esai Morales (Actor: La Bamba, Jericho)
    Gary Busey (Actor: Lethal Weapon, Point Break)
    George Carlin (Comedian)
    Gore Vidal (Actor/Author)
    Hal Sparks (Actor/Comedian: Queer as Folk, Spider-Man 2)
    Henry Rollins (Singer/Actor)
    Jeremy Glick (Victims Family Member)
    Jim Corr (Singer/Musician: The Corrs)
    Joe Rogan (TV Host: Ultimate Fighting Championship)
    John Schneider (Actor: Dukes of Hazzard, Desperate Houswives)
    Luke Rudkowski (Truth Activist, Founder of We Are Change)
    Margaret Cho (Actress/Comedian)
    Michael Moore (Film Director/Producer)
    Prodigy (Rap Artist)
    Sam Harris (Singer/Actor)
    Tony Szamboti (Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth)
    William Rodriguez (WTC employee 20+ years)

    Other Celebrities who question 9/11 (listed at end of movie):

    Dick Gregory (Actor/Writer)
    Evan Dando (Musician/Singer: The Lemonheads)
    Harry Belafonte (Singer/Actor)
    Heather Thomas (Actress: The Fall Guy)
    Immortal Technique (Rap Artist)
    James Brolin (Actor: Marcus Welby M.D, Hotel; husband of Barbra Streisand)
    James Cromwell (Australian Actor: Babe, The Queen)
    Janeane Garofalo (Actress: The Truth About Cats & Dogs, 24)
    Juliette Binoche (Actress: The English Patient, Chocolat)
    Lou Dobbs (TV Host)
    Marion Cottilard (Actress: Inception, Nine)
    Matt Bellamy (Singer/Musician: Muse; engaged to Kate Hudson)
    Michael J Fox (Actor: Family Ties, Back to the Future)
    Michelle Phillips (Singer/Actress: The Mamas & The Papas, Knots Landing)
    Mimi Kennedy (Actress: Dharma & Greg, Due Date)
    Mos Def (Rap Artist)
    Nina Hagen (Singer/Actress)
    Patrice O’Neal (Comedian/Actor)
    Peter Coyote (Actor: E.T. – The Extra Terrestrial, Erin Brockovich)
    Roseanne Barr (TV Host/Actress: Roseanne)
    Sharon Stone (Actress: Basic Instinct, Casino)
    Spencer Pratt (Reality TV Personality: The Hills)
    Tom DeLonge (Musician/Actor: Blink 182, American Pie)
    Tommy Chong (Actor: Cheech & Chong’s Up In Smoke)
    Woody Harrelson (Actor: Cheers, No Country for Old Men)

    1. A list of celebrities is not impressive. That’s what religious nutjobs do to convince you to join their fruit little clubs. “would you still say I’m crazy if I told you that Tom Cruise, John Travolta, that guy from that tv show about Earl AND the guy who plays Earl’s brother are all scientology?”

      Yes. You’re still crazy. And to start out the list with Charlie “7 gram rocks” Sheen… Winning!

  14. Sorry Rick, you statements don’t make much sense. I have forgotten what happened to the asbestos insulations but thought that they had been covered up with non-flameable materials. All these were blown off by the force of the planes exploding fuel inside the buildings as well as by the force of the plane hitting some of the beams.

    The buildings never exploded; the planes did. Some internal fuel supplies, if they had any, might have exploded.

    Re emergency teams and raging infernos. Both were there so they are not mutually exclusive. You saw the fires from the planes so emergency teams responded to them in the initial periods of each hit.

    Don’t look for things that weren’t there or didn’t happen. Also, a lot of people saw things that they misinterpreted, as well as said things that were wrong. It happens in emergencies and disasters.

    Also, regular buildings in both earthquakers or due to poor construction/materials, have collapsed in seconds – Turkey, Mexico, etc. We have one collapse about a mile from my house – an apartment complex. Killed 19 workers in a matter of seconds. They had no warning and no chance to escape.

    That’s life and sometimes it is a real tragedy.

    We have more important things to worry about than 9/11 conspiracy theorists.

    Like Occam’s Razor, something the simplest thing is the truth.

    1. Max, Did you watch George Humphrey video“911- The Great Illusion” above in my first post? like he said the second tower came down faster than the law of the speed of gravity formula, also why did they find a video from the archives today shows the BBC reporting on the collapse of WTC Building 7 over twenty minutes before it fell at 5:20pm on the afternoon of 9/11? The incredible footage shows BBC reporter Jane Standley talking about the collapse of the Salomon Brothers Building while it remains standing in the live shot behind her head,minutes before the actual collapse of the building is due,the feed to the reporter mysteriously dies stanage? There’s no way those planes brought those buildings down! did you listen to the fireman talking minutes before the collapse? there was hardly any fire in there at all the fuel went up in a fireball on impact also too this is the first time in history fire has brought down a skyscraper! Even the Empire State building is still standing after been hit by a plane in 1945, also how come the fire in WTC6 didn’t bring that one down huh? 9/11 is probably one of the greatest real estate rorts in American history, here is another interesting site for you to read Max!

    2. “Like Occam’s Razor, something the simplest thing is the truth.”

      1. The collapse of Building 7 looks exactly like a controlled demolition. Building 7 was not hit by an airplane.

      2. No steel-framed office tower has ever collapsed due to fire before or after 9/11.

      3. Several dozen first responders reported explosions and flashes of light on 9/11.

      4. Building 7 underwent 2.25 seconds of free fall at the start of its visible descent. This is consistent with controlled demolition but not fire-caused collapse.

      5. High-tech incendiary nano thermite was discovered in the WTC dust. This is consistent with explosive demolition but not fire-caused collapse.

      6. Small iron-rich spheres formed from airborne molten iron permeated the WTC dust. This is consistent with explosive demolition but not fire-caused collapse. Molten iron is a product of the thermite reaction. Office and aviation fuel fires do not get hot enough to melt steel.

      7. Metal continued burning under the WTC rubble piles in oxygen-starved environments for several weeks after 9/11, even after being sprayed will millions of gallons of water. This is consistent with explosive demolition using thermite but not fire-caused collapse. Thermite can continue to burn in oxygen-starved environments and even under water. Office and aviation fuel fires do not get hot enough to melt steel.

      8. The U.S. government attributes the collapse of building 7 to a first-of-its-kind event, where a single girder falls off a support column and initiates a global collapse. This explanation is based on a computer model. The U.S. government will not show this model to the public. The animations produced by this model that have been released by the U.S. government do not resemble the actual collapse videos.

      The simple explanation is that controlled demolition caused the WTC tower collapses. Almost 3000 people were murdered on 9/11. The necessary outcome of such an event is also simple, a criminal investigation. This is all that the engineers, architects, and affiliates of http://www.ae911truth.org are calling for.


    3. Max, Occam’s razor works perfectly in this case, but only as a lobotomy tool. Who would enter into a conspiracy in which the simplest explanation, given the facts, pointed to themselves?

  15. If 9/11 was an “inside job”, how many men and time would it have taken to haul all those explosives inside the building and strategically plant them?

    Come on guys. The building had security men and cameras and would have spotted people in unauthorized areas, plus hauling in so much explosives would have gotten the attention of someone.

    It just didn’t happen. Read the Popular Mechanic’s article on the physics of what happened.

    The buildings dropped in on themselves because the supporting beams were blown apart and/or melted, plus the center of the buildings, where the elevator shafts were, created open spaced that were easily penetrated.

    I saw the hit on the Pentagon building later on, and in fact, had earlier felt the blast. I live three miles away. Also heard the plane twice, once on its beltway circle and then again as it came down Route 95, less than a mile from my house.

    The enemy did it. Plain and simple, as was the plan. If you want to look into something, find out how Clinton etc. took the U.S. continental/air defense system out of air-borne alert in 1994/95 and left Washington D.C. without armed interceptors at Andrews AF Base or Bolling AF Base, both a few miles away.

    And why didn’t soldiers at the Pentagon have shoulder-fired missiles to shot down any plane that treatened the Pentagon or the White House?

    It was sheer “It can’t happen here” mentality that did this, a mentality that caused the devastating destruction of the Marine Barracks in Beirut and the attack on the U.S.S. Cole.

    In the end, some of our leaders/defense people are the best aides the terrorists have. Those FBI middle-management officials who didn’t listen to the two Field agents had this same mindset of “it can’t happen here so don’t bother me with your observations.”

    I’ve seen good intell ops and bad ones. Until American defense planners get their heads out of their asses and think like the enemy, we will continue to get hit.

    No “inside job”, just liberal stupidity.

    1. Max Friedman, People reported seeing men in overalls carrying huge toolboxes and long wheels of cables. The explanation was that internet cables were being upgraded. Ben Fountain, a financial analyst, reported numerous unusual evacuations in weeks before 9/11. What were they really doing?
      When the Towers were built, the steel beams were sprayed with fire-proof asbestos. Learning of the new health dangers, the asbestos was expected to be removed from every beam. This was almost undoable. Estimates for the cost of doing this were over a billion dollars. also listen to the final moments of the daring rescue efforts of the New York City Fire Department operating in the South Tower of the World Trade Center moments before it suddenly exploded into oblivion. This is the biggest conflict of evidence of all: Either there were emergency teams operating in the building or there was a tremendous raging inferno. The two are mutually exclusive possibilities.
      Power Downs, Evacuations, Strange Events in Weeks Before 9/11
      LET ME KNOW WHEN YOU SEE FIRE – the flaming inferno is mind control

  16. I would have that the move on . org people would be out celebrating the 4th of July weekend instead of having to work on spewing their lies on the blogs. You guys really should ask George Soros for a day off. Oh, I forgot, 4th of July is only celebrated by Republicans according to Harvard.

    1. I agree. moveon.org is up to tricks being here. A perfect day for the left (otherwise known as the 5th column) to be ‘working’ for Soros instead of appreciating what a great country they have.

  17. I am a retired law enforcement supervisory Officer and investigator and was on duty in Manhattan on 9/11. I observed and have looked into the events that occurred at the WTC that day and am personally 100% convinced that explosives were detonated inside the buildings and brought them down.

    Whether you like it or not, or even believe it or not, the only logical conclusion in light of this conclusion is that 9/11 WAS, in fact, an inside job.

    Look into the matter and consider the evidence.

    Incidentally, I am anti-marxist, anti-socialist, anti-fascist, anti-neocon, anti-communist and anti-illuminist. I am a freedom loving American Constitutionalist.


  18. “You know what amazes me is the fact that the second tower came down faster according to the law of the speed of gravity it should has been approx’ just over nine seconds yet it came down in just over eight seconds, so you have to ask yourself why???”

    Clearly, the CIA is experimenting with gravity rays.

  19. Trevor, You know what amazes me is the fact that the second tower came down faster according to the law of the speed of gravity it should has been approx’ just over nine seconds yet it came down in just over eight seconds, so you have to ask yourself why???
    Trevor, People will be left asking many questions after watching the George Humphrey video “911- The Great Illusion” watch that and all the facts he presents and then you’ll realize that none of the offical story makes any sense at all!

    1. The “second tower came down faster according to the law of the speed of gravity [than it should have.]” That’s just ridiculous. I can’t take anything you say seriously. The speed an object free falls is 9.8 meters per second on earth, and is only slowed down by wind resistance. I’ll give you that tower 7 seems odd at first glance; however, there was a whole chunk missing from the South side of the building. It was destabilized and waiting to fall. I haven’t seen any evidence (within the laws of Physics) that indicates anything else happened. Personally, I find the Anthrax mystery more interesting.

      If you want to get into a really cool conspiracy, read about Anatoliy Golitsyn’s theory in “the Perestroika Deception” and “New Lies for Old.” That’ll open a can of worms that’ll keep you busy reading and searching for more info for awhile. And, it’s actually a plausible theory (doesn’t defy the Laws of Physics, for example). But I have to warn you, it’s impossible to 100% conclude that he’s a real defector or plant. You have to decide for yourself which is most plausible. I personally suspect he’s real.

      1. J, You said “I can’t take anything you say seriously” it wasn’t me saying it, I just typed what was said by George Humphrey in his video “911- The Great Illusion” above, did you watch that video? and why did the BBC report on the collapse of WTC Building 7 over twenty minutes before it fell at 5:20pm on the afternoon of 9/11? also when you look at all three WTC building collapses they were some of the best demolition jobs I’ve ever seen in my life, makes those Vegas demos I’ve seen on TV look pretty ordinary that’s for sure!
        J, Have a look at these sites very interesting stuff here! Nuclear demolition of skyscrapers.
        Mathaba World Exclusive: Russian Expert Confirms Nukes Beneath New York WTC

      2. Um…J…where are you getting your info from? The unauthored (no one knows who put this one out) http://www.debunking911.com.

        By you saying “I’ll give you that tower 7 seems odd at first glance; however, there was a whole chunk missing from the South side of the building. It was destabilized and waiting to fall”….you are disagreeing with NIST…the Govt agency charged with explaining how it collapsed. Their report said that fire and fire alone brought down Building 7. Debris from the collapsing towers played no role in 7’s collapse. Before you post nonsense…Please try and catch up on the facts will you?

        Perhaps you should come to “The 911 Truth Movement Room”…a 24/7 audio-video-text chat room where FACTS about 911 are discussed. Here is the link directly into the room…The 911 Truth Movement Room has over 200 important videos in its library.


        PC users— http://www.paltalk.com/g2/group/1127367608/Download.wmt?pagc=2403779&ref

        Mac Users— http://express.paltalk.com/?gid=1127367608&refc=120028
        or find it through the main website http://www.paltalk.com

  20. Bring the evidence to court.I would love to see it.
    I have seen the videos the truthers have I do not consider Alex Jones as one to put ones faith in.

  21. Think a moment about that guy in the suit enabling the ‘underwear bomber’; was CIA/intel doing the same thing before 911, following -enabling the Islamists long before 911 & knew who, how & when they were to do it? Was WTC and building 7 mined ahead of time to augment the jets damage and make sure the ‘event’ was catastrophic enough so the American people would support the ‘War on Terror’. US jets scrambled out to sea to get them out of way? Other planes part pf the ‘program’?

    How about the ‘evidence’; brief cases, passports etc that ‘happened’ to show up and survive the infernos?

    I know a lot of public schooled Americans have little ability for critical thinking, but what about the rest of us?

  22. There were people (some lawyers) on the underwear bomber plane and saw the ‘man in the suit’ insisting that he (the bomber) be put on the plane when there was a delay/questions before boarding. Some have gone public and since what do you hear? Buried.

    Jerome Corsi’s “Where’s the Birth Certificate?”, two-time No. 1 New York Times bestseller; “demonstrates conclusively that no legal authority has ever verified Obama’s legal eligibility to be president, that glaring inconsistencies, blackouts, and outright fabrications in his life narrative have generated widespread doubts, and that, in fact, a compelling body of evidence says Obama is not a natural-born citizen as is required of all presidents by Article 2, Section 1, of the Constitution.” Where’s the call from congress? BURIED

    Per an interview with a professional demo company owner who watched the tape of building 7 (alone) coming down, he said it was clearly a professional job and it would have taken dozens of experienced demo experts and a work week of time to do it. BURIED

    Where was the investigation about the wall street activity prior to 911 (directly related regarding these buildings and about what was records were stored in building 7? BURIED
    I can go on and on, how about you who posted above do a simple google search while using a little common sense?

    You want to stop the next ‘false flag’ re-investigate 911

  23. I don’t have a problem with people looking into this. If they want to spend their money on it go ahead.

    I saw the video of the planes and what they did. That’s enough for me.

    It won’t be long before Oliver Stone makes a propaganda movie on it too.

    Or has he already?

    1. Did you see a plane hit building 7? Building 7 was NOT hit by a plane. But yet it came down at freefall speed. Listen to the architects and engineers give their technical analysis. Then make up your mind. These folks are NOT conspiracy theorists.

      British newscasters reported that building 7 came down 30 minutes before it actually fell. During their report, you could see building 7 standing in the live video feed. Why would they report that? It’s awfully hard for professional journalists to mistake the much smaller building 7 for one of the twin towers.

      I don’t know who was behind the attacks on 9/11. And neither does anyone else in the general public. But we need a fair and independent investigation to find out what really happened. Those that died on 9/11, their families and the American people deserve to know the truth.

      Finally, this may be about false left/right politics for many. But it is not about politics for me. It’s personal. My country was attacked and I still don’t know who did it and why. This is just being used to keep people from looking at the evidence for themselves. It’s nothing more than Cultural Marxism (AKA political correctness)being used to shut people up and to keep them from uniting in common cause.

      If you don’t look at the evidence with an open mind then you are simply being hypercritical, and acting out of ignorance. Take the time to do your due diligence. Weigh the evidence and then come back with informed conclusion. Thanks.

  24. As many say to these groups of the 9/11 Truthers and such; if you have solid proof and not just speculation, then bring it to the courts for criminal matters to be commensed.

    Speculation and accusation is just that, worthless and is indeed used by the left and socialist radicals to divide and distort all of the land about them.

    Hense one of the oldest sayings in propaganda “Tell a lie loud enough and long enougn, and soon enough people will believe it to be the truth.”

    Those who believe the lie will due to wanting it to be that way.

    1. I agree, Snow, and this is so easy to refute that I scarcely know where to start.

      1. Who benefits and why? I have heard no sensible answer for this.
      2. How were the explosives (which would needed to have been a substantial quantity) installed at precise locations without anybody noticing. And when.
      3. If this was a US government plot, who persuaded the muslim nutcases to give up their lives. And again, why? (And don’t tell me arab oil, or GWB getting revenge on Saddam.)
      4. And on and on. I will not take up a whole page of this blog going over old and obvious ground. Just think about it. It doesn’t make any sense.

      There have been deliciously enticing theories (and I enjoy a good conspiracy theory as much as the next person) but they just don’t stand up to analysis.

    2. William,

      The following evidence has been presented to federal and state officials, including courts. Collectively this evidence proves that fire did not cause the collapse of the three WTC towers and that controlled demolition with explosives almost certainly did. Furthermore, a new investigation is certainly called for, this time a criminal investigation with aggressive use of subpoena power, testimony under oath, and consideration of all evidence. To date, government officials in the U.S. have ignored this evidence and media throughout the world have failed in their duty to properly investigate and report the evidence.

      1. Building 7 underwent 2.25 seconds of free fall at the start of its visible collapse with level roof line the entire time. This requires the synchronized removal of 82 support columns over 8 stories. A basic understanding of physics is all that is required to understand that this is impossible to accomplish through office fires. Google “NIST admits free fall David Chandler” for a good description of this.

      2. High tech incendiary explosive nano-thermite was discovered in the WTC dust and reported in a peer-reviewed scientific publication over two years ago with no scientific rebuttal.

      3. Metal temperatures inconsistent with office/aviation fuel fires were encountered in the WTC dust and rubble piles. Thermite accounts for this evidence.

      4. Explosions were reported by several dozen first responders.

      Visit http://www.ae911truth.org if you seriously want to understand why the 911 Truth Movement will continue to grow and a new investigation will be achieved.


    3. That is exactly what the 911 truth community has been trying to do. Get it into courts. Any person willing to seriously look at some of the evidence objectively, will come to the conclusion that a new investigation should take place. While some people make the accusation that the US government was behind the attacks, I feel a new independant investigation would at least answer some of the many unanswered questions that the initial inquiry ignored. Why was no person held accountable for the lack of air support on that morning? How could building 7 just collapse as it did, without some type of aid? Why won’t they Pentagon release a clearer picture of the plane impact? Why was the steel not tested for failure causes if for no other reason than to provide data to prevent future collapse. These are just a few of the many unanswered questions still ignored by major media.

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