The West deals with China on the basis that Beijing is moving away from socialism.
But what if it isn’t? What if the Chinese communists are merely using capitalism to save their economy and build state power, just as Lenin did in the 1920s with his “New Economic Policy”? What are the implications for the West if China has not abandoned socialist ideology?
From the Communist Party of China International Department website.
BEIJING, Sept. 29 (Xinhua) — Communist Party of China (CPC) chief Hu Jintao has urged Party members to learn the theory on socialism with Chinese characteristics more conscientiously.
Hu, general secretary of the CPC Central Committee, made the remark at a seminar which was participated in Sunday afternoon by members of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee.
Prof. Yan Shuhan from the Party School of the CPC Central Committee and prof. Qin Xuan from the Renmin University of China delivered speeches at the seminar and put forward their views on applying the theory into practice.
Presiding over the seminar, Hu said the theory on socialism with Chinese characteristics is a fundamental guideline of the Party and government for social and economic construction.
Party members should understand the basic principles of the theory and use them in their practical work, he added.
Hu asked Party organs at all levels to make the theory accessible and understood by every Party member and draw long-term plans to promote and develop the theory.
Why do we not believe Beijing when it repeatedly assures us that they have not abandoned socialism? Why do we know better than the Chinese Communist Party?
The West deals with China on the basis that Beijing is moving away from socialism.
No the West and in particular the US deal with China because they have embraced capitalism by owning most of the US’s foreign debt.
The West has a liking for dealing with tin-pot dictators like Pinochet or Saddam Hussein, no difference in this case