Month: September 2006
Why Chris Trotter Just Doesn’t Get It
I like Chris Trotter. I know he’s a commie, but he’s a smart cookie, very perceptive and clearly makes an effort to understand his opposition….
While we’re on the subject of fundamentalist Christian sects; Question What goes Clip Clop Clip Clop Clip Clop Bang Bang Clip Clop Clip Clop? Answer…
Bob the Builder Bats for Brethren
Tauranga National MP, Bob “the Builder” Clarkson says what he thinks of the Exclusive Brethren. “Mr Clarkson, who took the Tauranga seat from Winston Peters,…
T.O.S.A.S. 7 Geraldine Fraser-Moleketi
My seventh “Top Operatives of South African Socialism” profile looks at South African Minister of Public Service and Administration, Geraldine Fraser-Moleketi. Fraser-Moleketi was born in…
Chavez Sets the World Right
I haven’t commented on Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez’ recent speech to the United Nations yet. I think this article from the Communist Party of Australia’s…
Australian Communists Hail NDU "Victory"
This is how the Communist Party of Australia views the recentProgressive Enterprises “lockout“. Further evidence that Progressive were facing communist controlled unions on both sides…
The Comrades Write Back
I’ve had a couple of private emails since my recent posts on NZ’s “mainstream” communist party, the Socialist Party of Aotearoa. The first came from…
Rail Sucks, Road Rules
Owen McShane has an excellent guest post on Whale Oil, which tackles the myth that rail is somehow “greener” than road transport. He quotes this…
Prebble’s New Book
Former ACT leader, Richard Prebble’s new book is out Out of the Red is a sequel to “I’ve Been Thinking”. Below are some extracts from…
I Rest My Case
ACT staffer, Sarah Russell sent me this story today. I think it illustrates the points I made in my last post about tolerance and property…
Curly Capitalist Questions 16, Who Owns Scenery?
Berend de Boer said… Auckland has many volcanoes which give the city a lot of charm. And there are no buildings on it so you…
Dave Henderson’s Latest Bureaucratic Hurdle
According to yesterday’s Press, Dave Henderson, developer of the two billion dollar Five Mile village project near Queenstown has been refused permission for another development…
"Grubby Little Socialists"
I thought this anonymous comment on my post on NZ communism was so damn good I’d post it in its entirety, so no reader would…
Jennifer Francis, An Influential Marxist-Leninist
One little known, but very influential Marxist-Leninist, is National Distribution Union long time Administration and Membership officer, Jennifer Francis. A member of the Socialist Unity…
Communist Party, Party, Party, Party…..
I’ve been asked few times to explain the difference between different strands of Marxism. Below are some very simplified explanations of the three main strands,…
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