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Archbishop Viganò – The Church’s Churchill?

By: Thomas Wigand (The is the Introduction to a five-part “Deductive Reasoning” series that will follow over the coming days.)God sends us the leaders we…

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Posted in Enemies Within International Mark of the Beast Satanic Social Movements Uncategorized

Are We Being “Auto-Enrolled” into the Mark of the Beast?

Cross posted from: Revelation 13:14 – 13:18 14  And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he…

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Posted in 2020 Election Anti-Trump Barack Obama Election News Enemies Within Humor Illegal Immigration Liberty Media Bias Socialism/Communism The Obama Files

Election 2020: Satan Throws His Horns Into The Ring For The Democrat Nomination

Frustrated by the performance of the 20-some odd Democrat candidates in their first round of debates, Satan has decided to throw his hat, err, horns…

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Posted in Barack Obama Enemies Within Environmentalism Europe Social Movements Socialism/Communism Socialist Opinion Shapers Video

Is Progressivism Satanic?

Yes, at first glance the title of this piece appears to be provocative (indeed, some probably stopped there and refused to continue reading).  However, it is…

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