Tag: revolution
NoisyRoom Hat Tip: Brian B. – Breitbart.tv By: augustanbpp “[The enemy] is racist white folks and the government.”
Obama Says will Take More than One Term to Destroy USA
By: Sher Zieve Gulag Bound As Obama and his Leninists continue to denigrate and rule over the USA and the American people, the Republican latent-integrity…
Revolutionary Socialist Group Planing to Recruit Children in JR High School
Brian Becker of the Party for Socialism and Liberation, wants your children. NoisyRoom From: NakedEmperorNews
Black Americans Alive Today Are The Real Holocaust Victims: New Black Panthers Anti-Semitic Attack
NoisyRoom From: NakedEmperorNews The New Black Panthers spew hatred from their pulpit. Read here on their Day of Action Movement. Brewing up a racial/religious war…
The Globalists’ Takeover of Argentina is a Blueprint for America
NoisyRoom By: AJ Yes, George Soros was involved in the global elites’ takeover of Argentina which de-industrialized their country, eliminated their middle class and plunged…
National Day of Incitement and Intimidation
NoisyRoom Graphic From: Bob McCarty Writes April 23rd, 2011 is the National Day of Action sponsored by the New Black Panthers. There will be protests…
Watcher’s Council Nominations: Pre-Easter Edition
From: The Watcher’s Council Welcome to the Watcher’s Council, a blogging group consisting of some of the most incisive blogs in the ‘sphere, and the…
Soros, Piven and SEIU Working to Destroy Americas Financial System to Create Revolution
NoisyRoom From: NakedEmperorNews
Egypt Shows Us “This is What Democracy Looks Like”
According to Australian based Marxist journal LINKS, on Friday, April 8 one of the largest protests in Egypt since the ouster of Mubarak took place….
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