Tag: Occupy Wall Street
FOX News Mocks Criminal #OWS Movement in 2011 Recap
NoisyRoom Read more at Gateway Pundit…
Russia Today Says O.W.S. Here to Stay
Kremlin propaganda station Russia Today, confirms what we already suspect – the Occupy Wall Street movement is not going away and plans to play a…
This Is the Trailer for the Full-Length Occupy Movie
NoisyRoom Read more at The Blaze… Pure Marxist propaganda. Wonder if they’ll showcase the rapes, murders, violence, filth, Communists etc.
O.W.S. Activist: ‘Police Rank and File are Professional Class Traitors,’ But We Should Attempt to USe Them Against the ‘1%ers’
From Big Government, by Trevor Loudon An Occupy Wall Street activist and veteran of the Trotskyist International Socialist Organization, Pham Binh, has written a widely circulated…
Obama Officials Permit Trashing of Parks by Occupiers
By: Cliff Kincaid Accuracy in Media It may not be the biggest scandal of the Obama Administration, but the collusion between the Department of the…
Marxist Inspired Unrest Builds in Britain: Callicinos “We’re in the Middle of a Revolutionary Process”
According to Britain’s Socialist Workers Party, November 30 was….”a historic day. Britain’s biggest strike since 1926 saw the working class march firmly onto centre stage…
“Occupy Everywhere…Build the Revolution…”: Workers World Leader Larry Holmes on OWS
Workers World Party leader Larry Holmes gives a very insightful overview of the Occupy Movement, from a Marxist perspective. Holmes places “Occupy” in a worldwide context….
New Video Proof of Media Lies About UC Davis Protests
By: Cliff Kincaid Accuracy in Media UC Davis Republicans have released a new video showing what actually transpired on the campus before some protesters were…
Activist Boasts of Communist Leadership in Occupy Movement – Links to Re-election of Obama
By: Trevor Loudon Big Government While addressing a gathering of the international communist front World Federation of Democratic Youth, in Lisbon Portugal, November 10, 2011,…
Meals, Toilets, and Marx for UC Davis Protesters
By: Cliff Kincaid Accuracy in Media A campus conservative at UC Davis was so disgusted by slanted coverage of the Occupy movement that he reached…
Cornel West: Ultimate Push For Entitlements Will Be in ‘Fought in The Streets’ by Occupy Movement
NoisyRoom Hat Tip: BB Visit msnbc.com for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy Read more at The Blaze…
The War on Police
By: Cliff Kincaid Accuracy in Media Rather than being victims of police brutality, a new video shows that Occupiers at UC Davis knew they were…
The entire Occupy movement summarized in one sign
By: Zombie The PJ Tatler Photojournalist El Marco has returned from a trip to New York during which he documented the final days of the…
This Is What Democracy Looks Like…in Hell
By: Zombie The PJ Tatler The Occupation of Los Angeles – Part 7 – 10/28/2011 Infighting, Pot Smoke & Chemtrails – One Hundred Minutes at…
Why Do Media Hate the Police?
By: Cliff Kincaid Accuracy in Media Brian Williams of NBC Nightly News attacked the police at UC Davis on his Monday night broadcast. He said…
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