Tag: Founding Fathers
Is It Time To Dump “Conservatism?”
Fear not – I am not referring to “dumping” the foundational precepts of Conservatism or, for that matter, any Conservative precepts! Our Conservative beliefs are…
MAGA – Make American (high schools) Great Again! Part II of III
MAGA – PART I MAGA – Part III CURRICULUM As discussed in Part I, Progressive “educators” have hijacked our education system, one of the critical…
Slavery and America’s Founding Fathers: How did they really feel?
In 2009, Hillary Clinton won the Margaret Sanger Award. Margaret Sanger, socialist and racist, is still hailed by the left. She coined the phrase, “birth…
What would the Founding Fathers say about #FreeCommunityCollege?
“When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic” – Benjamin Franklin For those paying attention,…
Elizabeth Warren gushes about big government, says GOP caused recession
Potential Democratic presidential nominee Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren spoke at the George Soros-funded Center for American Progress on Wednesday, where she assured her progressive audience that the 2014 election outcome…
America and Divine Intervention
NoisyRoom By: Lloyd Marcus Some pundits say Obama has so successfully transformed America into a “gimme society” that the food stamp president will win reelection…
Super Congress: Echoes of Tyranny Rising
NoisyRoom By: Terresa Monroe-Hamilton And now for something completely the same… In the “those who won’t learn from history, are doomed to repeat it” department,…
Glenn Beck; John Hagee Stir Crowd at CUFI Summit
NoisyRoom By: Fern Sidman Receiving numerous rousing ovations and thunderous applause, FOX television personality Glenn Beck told an audience of over 5000 gathered at the…
The Council Has Spoken!! This Week’s Watcher’s Council Results 07/01/11
From: The Watcher’s Council The Council has spoken, the verdict is in and the results for this week are carved eternally in the records of…
Watcher’s Council Nominations – Fourth Of July Edition
From: The Watcher’s Council Welcome to the Watcher’s Council, a blogging group consisting of some of the most incisive blogs in the ‘sphere and the…
Shredding Freedom
NoisyRoom By: Terresa Monroe-Hamilton Time Magazine Time Magazine asked the question this week concerning the Constitution, “Does It Still Matter?” You’re damn right it does….
Fareed Zakaria Bemoans Americans Love of The Founders & Constitution As The Reason We Can’t Learn
NoisyRoom By: NakedEmperorNews
The Rights of Man…Inalienable Rights…
NoisyRoom Read more at Patriot Action Network…
Underdogma – A Book Review
By: Terresa Monroe-Hamilton NoisyRoom > Click here to purchase… Rarely do I come across an author that I feel thinks along the same lines as…
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