Tag: Chuck Hagel
Pentagon Confirms Purchase of Russian Helicopters for Afghan Military
The Pentagon has decided it’s in the “national interest” to keep buying MI-17 transport helicopters for the Afghan military from a Russian company. The Defense…
Obama and Putin’s Secret Correspondence
More on the Obama/Putin letter exchanges. This is very dangerous stuff folks. America’s pro-Moscow communist affiliated President Obama, doing secret deals with Russia’s KGB President…
Obama’s “Secret Letter” to Moscow
The long time strategy of Moscow has always been to destroy US defense capability and then through war/and or “diplomacy”/international law, end American sovereignty forever….
Ted Cruz On Fire! “Slaughters” Chuck Hagel, During Defense Sec. Confirmation Hearings
Texas junior Senator Ted Cruz “slaughters” far leftist, former GOP Senator Chuck Hagel, during Defense Secretary confirmation hearings. If Mitt Romney had gone after Barack…
Treason? Obama’s Plans to Disarm America
President Barack Obama‘s nomination for US Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel, is a board member of the far left, resolutely anti-military Ploughshares Fund. Here Joe…
Chuck Hagel? Hell No!!! Obama Defense Pick Linked to Institute for Policy Studies, Anti-Military Marxists
President Barack Obama‘s proposed appointment of former Republican Senator Chuck Hagel as US Secretary of Defense is generating interest and even approval, on the far…
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