Month: August 2021
By: Thomas C. Wigand The Biden-Harris Junta: UN-Elected UN-Principled UN-Fit I am the author of the book Communiqués From the Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy– available on Kindle…
Gen. McKenzie Rejected Taliban’s Offer For Control Of Kabul
By: Denise Simon | Founders Code Just 24 hours before a suicide bomber detonated an explosive outside Hamid Karzai International Airport, senior military leaders gathered for…
Chairman Bob And The New Socialist America
By: Cliff Kincaid On his way out the door of the New York governor’s office, Andrew Cuomo gave clemency to a communist terrorist, David Gilbert….
Arizona Today – Interview With Trevor Loudon
Prescott eNews Dr. Lyle Rapacki interviews Trevor Loudon about the various events such as the fall of Afghanistan, our border crisis, and COVID, and whether…
More Terrifying Details On The Bagram Prison Release
By: Denise Simon | Founders Code Fox News’ Pentagon reporter Jennifer Griffin asked the Department of Defense press director Admiral Kirby how many prisoners were at…
America Has Lost Its Moral Compass
By: Cliff Kincaid The disgraced former CIA director David Petraeus, once called “America’s greatest living general,” is lecturing America that we didn’t try hard enough…
Not Just Americans in Kabul, But America Itself Is Being Held Hostage
By: Thomas C. Wigand As this is written the debacle of the Afghanistan retreat is unfolding still. Twelve service members are dead in morning bombings,…
2021 Afghanistan Is Not 1975 Vietnam
By: Yoram Ettinger | CCNS In 1975, the US disengagement from Vietnam fulfilled the goal of the Viet Cong, thus ending the US-Vietnam conflict. In 2021,…
Lawrence Sellin On Afghanistan And The Strategic Future Of South Asia [Video]
By: Citizens Commission on National Security Dr. Lawrence Sellin, a member of the Citizens Commission on National Security, interview with India’s Times Now News about the latest…
How Can US Debt Be Rated AAA?
By: Ed Butowsky | CCNS You’re in your shiny Ferrari, going 150 miles per hour on a smooth highway when you suddenly realize you’re heading straight…
Top Afghan Govt Officials Smuggled Into Turkey
By: Denise Simon | Founders Code It has been noted that the Turkish military had been providing security at the Hamid Karzai International Airport and the…
The Mailbox For Evacuation Requests At State Dept Is Full
By: Denise Simon | Founders Code For that matter, most of the mailboxes for all of the government are full, the same is true including those…
Enemies Of The State
By: Pete Hoekstra | CCNS Taken together, the administration’s efforts paint a picture of an emerging, out-of-control police state. Those of us who disagree with the…
Bioaerosol Research Performed By China’s Military May Have Started The COVID-19 Pandemic In October 2019
By: Col. Lawrence Sellin (Ret.) and Anna Chen | CCNS China’s military bioaerosol research and a test that may have begun the COVID-19 pandemic In an article recently…
Chinese Communist Party Cadre May Already Be In Place In The U.S. For A Planned Takeover
By: Col. Lawrence Sellin (Ret.) | CCNS There are U.S.-based Chinese scientists collaborating with China’s military and, based on direct evidence, arguably coordinating propaganda efforts with…
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