Day: May 19, 2017
James Simpson: I Am Fed Up!
By: James Simpson | BombThrowers Trump leaked classified information! He tweeted something stupid! He is offending our allies and encouraging our enemies! He is a…
Ivanka Thinks Liberals Will Like Her Father
By: Cliff Kincaid | Accuracy in Media One of the side effects of the anti-Trump liberal media propaganda is that many conservatives automatically jump to…
America’s Elected Government Hangs in the Balance
By: Cliff Kincaid | Accuracy in Media Years ago I agreed to be interviewed for a film which was included in an exhibit for the…
The Denise Simon Experience – 05/18/17
The Denise Simon Experience Hosted by DENISE SIMON, Senior Research / Intelligence Analyst for Foreign and Domestic Policy for numerous flag officers and intelligence organizations….
Diana West Shows-up Robert Mueller’s NWO Snowflakedness on Islamic Terrorism
By: Arlen Williams | Gulag Bound Behold the NWO* Deep State’s own Robert Mueller, now the official independent counsel assigned to Donald Trump, with Democrats…
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