In socialist NZ, the private health sector has traditionally been the preserve of the rich.
The accelerating deterioration of the public health sector is causing the middle class to re-think their attitude towards “going private”.
From a press release by ACT MP, Heather Roy.
“Figures released today by the Health Funds Association of New Zealand (HFANZ) show a growing acceptance by Kiwis that the public health system can’t deal with all the health needs of the nation” said ACT Health spokesman Heather Roy.
“Monitoring by HFANZ shows a continuing trend of increased uptake of health insurance – 1.36 million New Zealanders now have health insurance of some kind. This is an increase of 11,000, or 1% on last year.”
“Despite the Labour Government constantly implying that health care should be provided by the State, New Zealanders are becoming increasingly aware of the need to take responsibility for their own health care. The advantages of the private health system are blatantly obvious. Government provided health care can never cope with every health need.
“The Government’s purging of waiting lists, sending patients back to their GPs, and the constant cancellation of elective surgery for patients in pain and suffering are taking their toll on the health of our population. Through private health insurance, people are able to access timely and efficient care. This is an acceptable solution to the increasing health needs and demands of kiwis.
“District Health Boards are told by Labour to provide health care “inhouse” at public hospitals as a priority and for too long the advantages of contracting treatment privately has been ignored for philosophical reasons.
“Those who are able to buy private insurance jump waiting list queues by going private, while those unable to afford private health care are left to wait. The government has a duty to provide the best quality treatment in the best time at the best cost and it should look to the private sector when this is the best option. Anything less is a dereliction of the duty Labour was elected to”, Mrs Roy said.
It pisses me off that I have to pay taxes for public health and private medical insurance. My knee got smashed by a cricket ball when I was a teenager and the cartilage would occasionally split every few years resulting in me having to hobble around for a few weeks.
So after being a taxpayer for 15 years I went to an orthopedic surgeon who put me on the ACC list in 2003, but I was duly dumped from the list merely weeks later. I didn’t have medical insurance but decided to pay the $1300 bucks to have the damned thing fixed – I’ve learned my lesson.