Tag: Canada
Justin Trudeau – Beta Totalitarian
Cross-posted from fellowshipoftheminds.com On May 1, 2020, the Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau (“Justin”) announced a unilateral ban on so-called “assault weapons.” A “comprehensive”…
Disgusting: “Wild Bill” Detained for “Hate Speech” in Canada
This disgusting incident shows how bad things are almost everywhere but in the United States.
#EnemiesWithin: Trevor’s schedule for March:Michigan, Ohio, Canada!
Trevor Loudon will be screening his film, the Enemies Within throughout March. He also has some speaking engagements during this time. If you are in…
The Mosaic of War
NoisyRoom By: Terresa Monroe-Hamilton My all-time favorite author is Dean Koontz. He has a way of telling a story that is absolutely riveting, humorous and…
Communism in Canada: Red Led Students March in Quebec
Students march under scarlet banners in the largest protest in Quebec history.
Montreal students join former Aveos workers in protest
NoisyRoom 85 arrests after violence erupts in Montreal Montreal student protest sees 85 arrested Occupy comes to Canada – precedes riots in US. And so…
Why Now? My Decision to Become a U.S Citizen
NoisyRoom By: Jacqueline Murphy Tea Party Tribune On July 4th of this year, Paul Karl Lukacs, a lawyer, blogger and author of nothing you’ve ever…
WikiLeaks’ Evidence of North American Union, April 28, 2011; NAU-01
Gulag Bound by Arlen Williams & Tallulah Starr Gulag Bound will be logging a number of entries about the facts (and any potential opinions) of…
Canada Next?
From today’s Peoples World Blaine-Washington. Union members from Canada and the United States rallied at Peace Arch Park on the U.S.-Canada border, April 2, cheering…
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