On May 20th at 10 am a new organization called Stand Against Communism will hold a press conference at the National Press Club in Washington, DC.
The Democratic Party has been infiltrated by socialists, Marxists, and outright communists at every level, from precinct chairman to multiple presidential candidates. Starting May 20th this takeover of the Democratic Party will be publicly exposed until the party takes firm action to remove these subversives from its ranks.
Speakers will include Authors Bishop E.W. Jackson, Jerome Corsi, Diana West, Robert Knight, Trevor Loudon, and Virginia Tea Party leader Nelson Velez.

This is great news
Hi Mr. Loudon, Diana West, Bishop Jackson,et al,
Congratulations on taking the fight to our domestic enemies, the Communists. It is been a long time coming.
How can I help? Will there be memberships? Do we need financial support at this time?
Thank you for your courage,
I went to the Press Club website & they don’t have you listed so they’re either blocking any publicity or the venue has changed ~ I don’t trust them ~ only #FakeNews gets a fair hearing!!!
Help is on the way, don’t give up!