Juan Pablo Guevara is a Los Angeles musician, songwriter and community activist. He studied recording engineering at The Musician’s Institute in Hollywood, CA and in 2016 earned a Bachelor’s degree in political science from California State University, Los Angeles.
- When he’s not doing volunteer work and serving his community, Juan is a consultant for recording studios, houses of worship, and numerous professional musicians.
For several years, Juan Pablo Guevara was a leader of the Southern California Young Communist League USA, youth wing of the Communist Party USA.
In December 2010, Tashia Holloman, Jordan Farrar and Juan Pablo Guevara were Young Communist League USA delegates to the 17th World Youth Festival, in South Africa, a regular event organized by the still existing Soviet front organization, World Federation of Democratic Youth.
The 18th festival was held in Quito, Ecuador, on December 7-13, 2013. Juan Pablo Guevara, Mik Diddams, Abimael Lucio Sucio, Lisa Bergmann from the the Young Communist League USA represented the United States.

Circa 2015, Juan Pablo Guevara and his comrade Abimael Lucio Sucio, led a split from the Young Communist League USA to form a hard core Maoist organization based in East LA, Red Guards – Los Angeles.
The new organization joined with the New York based Revolutionary Student Coordinating Committee, the Kansas City, Missouri based Progressive Youth Organization and the Texas based Red Guards Austin to form a nationwide Maoist party, Liaison Committee for a New Communist Party. The alliance soon fell apart, after the RSCC’s collapse in 2016.
Juan Pablo Guevara has also been affiliated with the International League of Peoples Struggle, “an international formation of more than 350 organizations from 40 countries promoting, supporting and developing the anti-imperialist struggles of the peoples of the world.”
The organization supports Maoist revolutions around the world, particularly in India and the Philippines.
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