Trevor Loudon will be speaking and promoting his book “Barack Obama and the Enemies Within” across several US states over the next three months.
I’m planning two extensive stays in the US this year, possibly up to 6 months in total.
I will be researching, networking, speaking, doing media interviews and promoting my book “Barack Obama and the Enemies Within.”
“Trevor Loudon does the job that few in the media ever even attempt. This eye-opening book is proof that one person really can make a difference, especially when they have no agenda other than finding the truth.”
– Glenn Beck, #1 New York Times
Bestselling Author and Founder of GBTV
In the latter half of the year, I hope to have a second book on the market which will examine the socialist and communist ties of many leading US public officials.
I am starting off by attending CPAC 2012 in Washington DC in early February, where I will be signing and selling my book and manning the America’s Survival stand with my good friends Cliff Kincaid and Jim Simpson.
After that, I will be speaking in Florida from February 12 to 25 and the following week in Texas.
I will then be speaking in New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Connecticut and possibly other northeastern states in early March, before heading to Colorado, Nevada and possibly Arizona in mid to late March.
I plan to spend much of April in Washington State, Oregon and California, before returning to New Zealand in early May.
I will begin posting specific meeting times and places in the next week.
I plan to return to the US in August for another three months.
Last year I spoke to several Tea Party, GOP and conservative groups in Oregon, California, Arizona, Washington DC, Arkansas, New Jersey, Alabama and Florida, where I addressed the state Tea Party convention and several other smaller gatherings. All modesty aside, my message, exposing Obama’s agenda and the grave danger to America’s survival should the anti-American left succeed in its plan to cripple US defense preparedness, was very well received.
If you’d like to interview me, or wish me to address an audience, or conference in your state, please contact me through this website, or directly at
I have addressed groups ranging in size from 15 to 1500. Obviously the bigger the audience the better, but this tour is essentially about helping to make a difference in a critical year. If I can fit your group into my itinerary I will.
I finance my travels and research through donations, book sales and some appearance fees. Many of you have helped with contributions in the past and I am hoping you will consider doing so again.
All my fundraising is now done through my Nevada registered non-profit, the Pacific Freedom Foundation. Please click here and contribute through the donate button which is toward the bottom of the page.
Five Good Reasons to Contribute
This little New Zealand-based blog, punches well above its weight.
- New Zeal broke the story of Barack Obama’s ties to communist Frank Marshall Davis.
- New Zeal released the information that led to communist Van Jones resigning from the White House.
- New Zeal information is regularly used by Glenn Beck and several other broadcasters. Glenn even registered the domain name which he redirected to this blog.
- New Zeal has been heavily cited in several books on Barack Obama, hundreds of articles and tens of thousands of blog posts. The books include Manchurian President, Radical in Chief, We’ve Been Had, The Obama Nation and Duped.
- I have personally visited several cities in the U.S. digging up information that no-one else seems willing or able to find. The New Zeal blog consistently references directly to the source material – documents that would otherwise have not been uncovered.
Flick back through the last few posts and ask yourself, “where else can I get this information?”
Thank you.
Trevor Loudon
Looking forward to seeing you in Texas!!
ALRIGHT!!! You are coming to America…again!
I can surely say that nobody is as complete as you are in addressing the issue of the United States, especially being as you are, a citizen of New Zealand.
Many people in America as I do, believe you to be a person who units your love for America along with your passion to see truth reign in the hearts of Americans across the country.
One thing I remember reading from one of your post is that if America goes under, so will New Zealand and believing totally in that understanding, you will come over here to tell Americans what is happening in the leadership of this country.
Many of the people I talk to know a fair deal about what is going on in the Obama admin. Then there are my neighbors who just can’t believe what I tell them and resign themselves to going about their business. Sad.
Last night I watched the movie “Last Train” where the Germans had loaded 678 Jewish people into several cattle cars on their way to Auschwitz.
I had see various movies on this subject over the years, but this one movie really left me breathless. I think because, during the whole movie one cattle car, full of people were the focus. The Germans would had no compassion for these people. They were in the sense, cattle to them. They did not give them water for many long hours and when they did get water it was not because the Commander gave it to them, but because the soldiers got drunk and put water hoses on each other then heard the screams of the Jew through the steal bared air portholes in the cars. The Jewish people took off their gold watches and other jewelry and stuffed it out the small holes in the car sides in trade for a splash from the hose.
OK, enough on this, but I see the leadership of this country doing that to the American people…eventually! Oh, it will start out slow, but when everyone is on board with Obama and cronies, history could very well repeat itself. Americans will do what it takes to feed their own families and along with that do some very terrible things to their American comrades.
So, I am thrilled you are coming to America again, to speak against the atrocities of this administration. There are only a few people like Glenn Beck, Michele Bachmann and former Gov. Sarah Palin who have been bold witnesses in speaking their minds to Americans. But, America has an advocate like yourself, who will come from your own country to speak out boldly against Obama.
I look forward to seeing you when you come to Washington State this coming April. I will tell my friends and family and boldly ask them to contribute to your purpose which serves us all.
Also look forward to purchasing your new book ” Barack Obama and the enemies within” as well as looking to your second book when you put it out a bit later.
Thank You Trevor for your steadfastness on America’s behalf and may God bless you in your travels, keeping you safe.
Bradley Hill
WA state (USA)
I just watched Agenda:Grinding America Down. Good job sir, and I hope we wake up soon enough. Thank you for your excellent work.