"Yes, I am a Communist!"

No, not really.

Emboldened by having a “friend” as president and by the world wide “recession”, the Communist Party USA is gingerly feeling its way back into the public arena.

Here’s the latest CPUSA promotional video shot a recent Marxist School in New York.

Seem just like normal folk, don’t they?


Author: Admin

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9 thoughts on “"Yes, I am a Communist!"

  1. Trevor – I stumbled on this vid myself the other day too messing around on commie sites gleaning notions and subplots :-).

    I was trying to find an old article I don't see there anymore on the site that sounded a lot like Pelosi's speech right before congress took the cap and trade vote: Jobs, Jobs, Jobs, Jobs and how they would be created. I'm still hunting for it…


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  3. I have a suggestion.

    As a act of 'good faith' why dont all American (or other communists from the west for that matter) go had live in Russia for 2-3 years.

    When they return to America they can give a detailed first hand description of how the communist way of life is superior to the westerm way.

  4. Kawaii Gardiner,

    you might be surprised that the communists have for a very long time formed their own non-profit organisations ,these are then used as a tax dodge and then employed as a vehicle to fund the likes of Obama for president campaigns.Obama the community organizer knows all about the non profit tax law and how easy it is to exploit.This has probably been the most successful method the communists in the west have used so as to lull the people into believing there is some genuine cause lurking behind their belief in the collective approach to govt and society.We in the west have been at the mercy of the so-called non-profit front groups for decades.CORSO,OXFAM,Greenpeace, the list is far too long to mention here.
    Never assume for one minute there is good intentions driving these people.Most of them want to see the collapse and destruction of our society so that they can usher in their Marxist utopian philosophies ,and most of them wouldn`t hesitate to exterminate a few of us if we disagreed with their plans.
    Communism wherever it has been applied has proved beyond any doubt that it is evil, 100 million dead last century make it crystal clear to me these disciples of communism should never be mistaken for nice guys or gals.
    Communists today can not use the excuse that ohhh we didn`t know it was so brutal and inhumane.The same thing happens everytime and everywhere communism has arrived, it is never any different, it is foolish and naive to believe there is any good to come from this ideology.

  5. 放鬆心情自由自在的來一趟花蓮旅遊,可以感受花蓮民宿各種不同的風味,所以來花蓮一定要住花蓮民宿哦!因為可從花蓮民宿主人那裡分享到不一樣的花蓮旅遊經驗及花蓮美食道地的花蓮小吃,所以來花蓮旅遊不一定就要享受花蓮高級餐廳的花蓮美食也可以多試試道地古早味的花蓮美味哦!來花蓮民宿可以放鬆整個心情,來花蓮電腦住宿也可以放空自已,來花蓮也可以了解在地的文化哦!住民宿其實是很輕鬆的,住花蓮民宿其實是很容易,還有就是現在是高油價的時代,還自行開車來花蓮嗎?來花蓮租車會比較輕鬆哦!來花蓮房屋租車會比較省錢哦!或是可以請花蓮計程車帶您包車旅遊喔!!歡迎來住住美麗的花蓮民宿囉!!一定要讓您來花蓮旅遊並且讓您愛上花蓮民宿,還有團購美食好吃的蜂蜜蛋糕、養顏美容的蜂王乳以及蜂膠喔!!

  6. I do believe that these people have the best intentions in their heart but they fail to realise that the capacity for change is within the individual rather than the belief in the idea a large government is required to do it. What has ever stopped all these communists together to create a non-profit foundation to help the poor instead of imposing their ideology on others via the ballot box?

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