Message to Trump supporters from San Jose Democrat Police Chief & Mayor: You’re on your own

Protesters harass a Trump supporter in the San Jose Convention Center parking garage as Presidential candidate Donald Trump holds a rally in San Jose, Calif., Thursday, June 6, 2016. (Patrick Tehan/Bay Area News Group)
Protesters harass a Trump supporter in the San Jose Convention Center parking garage as Presidential candidate Donald Trump holds a rally in San Jose, Calif., Thursday, June 6, 2016. (Patrick Tehan/Bay Area News Group)

Donald Trump supporters were faced with violent communist-provoked thugs, deliberately slow-to-respond police officers and a finger-pointing, Hillary-supporting mayor on Thursday night in San Jose, California as men and women alike were attacked repeatedly for daring to support the presumptive Republican presidential candidate.

Adding to the injustice for these non-violent and completely innocent rally-goers is the massive insult to injury of a biased and complicit mainstream media, who serve as relentless apologists for communist agitators, empowering them to persist in their violent and sickening behavior.

Without appearing to even recognize it, authors Mark Gomez and Julia Prodis Sulek of an article at the East Bay Times give three different reasons why police did not respond decisively to the violent protesters. In fact, their contradictory article is titled, “Donald Trump in San Jose: Police chief says there weren’t enough officers at the rally,” but according to their own report, there were 400 protesters and 250 police officers, many of whom were in “riot gear.” This author is no expert on handling riots, but more than one police officer for every two people protesting seems like it would be way more than would be needed.

San Jose Police Chief Eddie Garcia tweeted before the rally that the police “WILL protect the 1st Ammendment [sic], our Community, and our Officers.”

Secondly, the authors report that police did not help Trump supporters because they were afraid of inciting the crowd further. You read that right.

Gomez and Prodis-Sulek shared a statement from the San Jose Police explaining that police deliberately held back as Trump supporters were being attacked because they worried that “police action involving the use of physical force under the circumstances would further incite the crowd and produce more violent behavior.

The statement from San Jose Police declared in part:

“…while several physical assaults did occur, the police personnel on scene had the difficult task of weighing the need to immediately apprehend the suspect(s) against the possibility that police action involving the use of physical force under the circumstances would further incite the crowd and produce more violent behavior.”

The “fear of escalation” rationale was repeated at Buzzfeed, citing a San Jose police source who also claimed that the department was worried about “individual officers’ safety.” The officer specifically said:

“…the department did not want officers to step in for several reasons, notably out of fear for individual officers’ safety, as well as concerns that breaking up a fight may end up escalating the violence.”

Finally, the authors quote Mayor Sam Liccardo as giving a third reason why officers did not handle violent anti-Trump protesters: “…you don’t send roving bands of officers into a crowd of protesters. They have to maintain a line.” Again, this author is no expert, but is this mayor actually claiming that police presence within the crowd would not have discouraged violence?

Speaking of Mayor Liccardo, he is an outspoken advocate for Hillary Clinton for president:

As an aside, ABC News reported that there were 300 protesters, and furthermore claimed that police waited for 90 minutes before moving into the crowd:

“Police stood their ground at first but after about 90 minutes moved into the remaining crowd to break it up and make arrests.”

Mercury News described the scene:

“Protesters jumped on cars, while others burned red ‘Make America Great’ hats and took selfies with the charred remains. Demonstrators waved Mexican flags as Trump supporters shouted at them to ‘go back to Mexico.'”

The actual reason the police sat by and allowed violence may have been inadvertently revealed in another quote by Mayor Sam Liccardo:

I can say if there’s a single excessive baton blow on anyone in that crowd, that would have made national news…

Watch this disturbing attack on an innocent rally-goer:

And another,

And another,

And another,

And another,

This video is a compilation of violence in San Jose, all of which was started by the protesters:

Watch this disturbing news report about Trump rally participants being attacked in San Jose, California:

Based on the sickening statements made by Mayor Sam Liccardo and Police Chief Eddie Garcia of San Jose, it is apparent that they’ve turned their backs on innocent people being actively attacked on Thursday evening.

BuzzFeed News reported that “officers were under orders to not break ranks,” and that while “nobody wants to see somebody beaten… we [San Jose police officers] had a global plan.” Their “global plan” appears to have left numerous innocent people fighting communist agitators on their own.

The question is whether these officials are so blind to their own politically correct ideology that they have become neutralized by anything remotely resembling common sense, or even more frightening: that the mayor and police chief wanted Trump supporters to know that their kind is not welcome.

As noted by Hans Bader at Liberty Unyielding:

“The comment threads at progressive publications are full of readers implying that the Trump supporters were asking for it by attending a Trump rally.”

Listen to a local talk show discussing the violence at the rally:

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Author: renee nal

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4 thoughts on “Message to Trump supporters from San Jose Democrat Police Chief & Mayor: You’re on your own

  1. Unfortunately, this SJ police chief doesn’t understand if the other side doesn’t have their rights protected to support a candidate (Trump), his rights are not protected either. Everyone of these hoodlums need to be arrested and prosecuted for assault, battery, inciting a riot, etc.

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