Obama Talks DNA-based Racism on Comedy Show

By: Cliff Kincaid
Accuracy in Media

Our pro-cross dressing President apparently doesn’t think people have DNA that makes them male or female. But he has just told an interviewer that white people and others have DNA that makes them racist and that American institutions are racist, too. These claims are described by our media as “bold” rather than bizarre racial slurs.

CNN reported that Obama, during an appearance on a comedy show, said “the legacy of slavery, Jim Crow, discrimination” exists in institutions and casts “a long shadow and that’s still part of our DNA that’s passed on.” The host, comedian Marc Maron, has been a guest on MSNBC, the failing left-wing cable channel.

Was Obama being serious? Where is the scientific evidence that racism is passed on to others through their DNA?

Obama “did not mince words” in the interview, Politico reported, as he said, “Racism, we are not cured of it. And it’s not just a matter of it not being polite to say nigger in public.”

“Obama Uses N-Word In Honest Conversation About Racism,” proclaimed the always politically correct Huffington Post. Other outlets decided to “bleep” or censor the word.

But what does this have to do with a President, who opposes conversion therapy for gays, expressing the view that there may be a potential “cure” for racism that is not learned through bad examples but through biology and DNA?

It’s tempting to say this was just a figure of speech. Indeed, rather than propose some form of shock treatment for people with this bad DNA, Obama seems to be depending on the politically correct media and education establishment to “cure” people of these bad thoughts.

But we are also being led to believe, as a result of one mentally unstable young man who abused drugs and committed a horrible crime, that white racism permeates our society, and that anyone who appreciates southern heritage is a secret racist who wants to kill black people.

It’s highly ironic that Obama would lecture others about racism, since he was admittedly “schooled” in anti-white racism by communist atheist Frank Marshall Davis. One Davis poem, “Christ is a Dixie Nigger,” dismissed Jesus Christ as “another New White Hope.”

Another Davis poem, “Onward Christian Soldiers,” mocks the Christian hymn by the same name and talks of Africans being killed with a “Christian gun” instead of a spear by the missionaries following “the religion of Sweet Jesus.”

So is Christianity one of the institutions that Obama says is saturated with racism? That surely can’t be the case since mass murderer Dylann Roof, a deranged drug abuser, opened fire in a black Christian church. The response from the families of those killed has mostly been Christian forgiveness and mercy.

We see in the Obama interview with comedian Marc Maron the same kind of anger and bitterness that was drilled into him at a young age by Frank Marshall Davis in Hawaii. The enemy, from the point of view of Marxist community organizers, is white supremacy. This is what has to be emphasized, over and over again, in order to get more black people agitated.

Roof targeted black Christians and said in his alleged manifesto that he became upset over the evidence of black-on-white crime he found on a website. That was no excuse for mass murder, but the fact is that crime of that nature is a terrible reality, as Colin Flaherty has documented in two books. The failure by the liberal media to even cover this problem is a source of frustration to those who seriously seek answers to criminal behavior in modern society and want to restore law and order in our major cities. The answer must be found, if the inner cities of America are to be saved.

Instead, our media act as if such crime doesn’t exist.

As investigative journalist Jim Simpson wrote in an AIM special report, “The media have relentlessly fanned the flames of racial hatred, while engaging in a systematic pattern of misinformation and blatant suppression of facts surrounding the perpetrators and victims of crime.” The media, blinded by political correctness, refuse to face reality.

So who was this white man named Dylann Roof? He committed mass murder, in an act that can be accurately described as terroristic in nature, and wanted to ignite a race war. He was photographed holding a Confederate flag and had sympathy for white-ruled nations. But he was also a drug abuser who came from a dysfunctional family. Significantly, he was also photographed with his feet planted on and burning an American flag. He hated what America had become in fighting a civil war to overcome the confederacy.

So while he hated America for what it is, the agitators on the left still complain about what America used to be. These extremists are strange bedfellows who need one another to make sure racial progress can be frustrated and that racial divisions can be exploited for political purposes.

Not surprisingly, the Confederate flag has now become the center of media preoccupation, when we have had six years of an administration in Washington, D.C. that has faulted white people, “gun violence,” or the police for the systematic problems in the black community. Public interest lawyer Larry Klayman noted, “Barack Obama and Eric Holder created much of this atmosphere of anger, bitterness and bile with their disdain of whites and not too transparent belief and actions that we must now pay what are in effect reparations to the black community, even though this generation does not practice or advocate slavery.”

After Roof killed the black people in the church, CNN highlighted the fact that Holder, the former attorney general, had tweeted, “Hate and gun violence. How often? How long? My heart breaks—again. Condolences to victims, survivors and families at Mother Emanuel” church.

CNN didn’t mention it, but several responded by reminding Holder and his followers that in the Fast and Furious gun-running scandal:

  • You essentially armed the Mexican cartels. How many lives have they destroyed?
  • Did your heart break for Brian Terry’s family? Hell, you supplied the haters’ guns on that one.

AIM editor Roger Aronoff reminds us that Fast and Furious involved the Obama Justice Department and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, and the transfer of some 1,500 guns, about 1,000 of which ended up in Mexico. Border agent Brian Terry was murdered with weapons found near the scene of the crime in Arizona. Those weapons were among 57 linked to Fast and Furious which have been tied to at least 11 violent crimes in the U.S., including the Terry murder, Aronoff notes.

Hence, Obama’s initial comments after the massacre about gun violence constitute political posturing for the cameras. We know we can’t depend on the liberal media to remind us of the “gun violence” caused by this same administration.

Another response to Holder included, “You never say anything about the genocide of blacks killing other blacks daily in cities across nation. That’s tragic too.”

But talking about black-on-black violence, and black-on-white violence, does not pay left-wing political dividends. So Obama talks about racist DNA and institutional racism and gets hailed for his boldness and honesty.

Another tragic aspect of the mass murders in South Carolina is the media’s use of the discredited Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) as an organization that has expertise on “hate” groups in the U.S. Both CBS and NBC have given the group unwarranted publicity and credibility.

It was the SPLC which inspired the terrorist attack on the conservative Christian Family Research Council in Washington, D.C. The SPLC has also hailed former communist terrorist bomber Bill Ayers for his “educational” work in a series on “Teaching tolerance.” It’s amazing but true.

Jim Simpson points out that the SPLC is one of the main practitioners of the tactic known as “partisan tolerance”—that is, partisan hatred for everything non-leftist. While the group is occasionally correct about hate groups on the right, it has a warped tendency to lump mainstream conservatives into categories of alleged extremists, making anybody on the conservative side into some kind of hater, “homophobe” or “Islamophobe.” The group has perfected the art of the smear into a “science” that the media shamefully buy into.

The SPLC should be dismissed as a political and money-grubbing outfit that has no interest in solving any racial problems. Extremism is a problem that could and should be examined by a new House Internal Security Committee, modeled after the old House Committee on Un-American Activities, which conducted masterful investigations into such entities as the Ku Klux Klan and the Communist Party USA.

With a panel such as this conducting official probes and investigations, the SPLC could be pressured to refund the remainder of its $245.3 million financial endowment to donors who thought their money was buying racial justice.

As for Obama, when a U.S. president speaks of “cures” for DNA-based racism on a comedy show, you know there is a lack of seriousness in Washington, D.C., and that the acceleration of a race war is the plan that is unfolding as extremists prepare to exploit the tragedy and increase racial tensions. The Marxist community organizers will take this to the next level and the media will be there to cover it.


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