Trevor Loudon: This Is Very Serious; It Is a Communist Takeover

By: Brent P.
The Right Planet

(Rest of the interview below)

The American people had better wake up to the stark reality that is now confronting us.

Trevor Loudon has tirelessly been touring the U.S. in an effort to warn Americans that this is not your Daddy’s Democratic Party. They mean to upend our present form of government toward a completely socialistic model. And this didn’t just start yesterday. It’s been in the making for decades.

I’m pleased to announce that I have scored an interview with Trevor Loudon when he comes here to Indiana on Feb. 7, 2014 (see link below for details). I just got a confirmation from Trevor (thanks to my good bud Terresa Monroe-Hamilton from Noisy Room) via the Watcher’s Council group. So stay tuned!


You can order Trevor’s books here:


Author: Admin

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5 thoughts on “Trevor Loudon: This Is Very Serious; It Is a Communist Takeover

  1. The saying about “not knowing history and doomed to repeat” is very true. The problem here is these supporters, by in large, know exactly where this progressive/communist is attempting to drive this Nation. That is my fear, for it has been creeping in for a century, and since 2008 has become an outright mantra from the left.

  2. Mr. Loudon:

    I am afraid you are totally right. All I do is call these people what they are: “Communists”

    My blog is hidden from view, my site meter is messed up. I don’t get read and I rarely get linked. Because I see *NO* reason to be polite at this stage in the game.

    “Conservative” people in America are afraid to call these people what they are.
    I have never been afraid of this.

    “Conservative” people also are friendly with the ‘gay’ mantra. Even though the gay mantra is #26 in the Communist manifesto.

    I am at wits end. Last night, on the “Independents” they brought on Jay Meyerson. They joked about him being a Communist.
    Whats the joke?
    Communism means genocide and death, nothing else.

    Anyway: Its very frustrating and I understand your message.


    1. ““Conservative” people also are friendly with the ‘gay’ mantra. Even though the gay mantra is #26 in the Communist manifesto.”

      Hm, is the claim here that, for any X, if X is somehow supported by Communists, X must be a bad thing? So, if a Communist said you probably shouldnt’ jump off a bridge, you should immediately head for the nearest bridge and take a flying leap? That seems like poor reasoning to me.

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