AFGE the ICE Union Fires Back at Obama’s Immigration Subterfuge

By: Arlen Williams
Gulag Bound

By the time the Soft War against American Sovereignty and Liberty is seen for what it is and won by authentic America, many union members will have seen the enemy, then turned to join us, o most excellent Pogo.

AFGE now leads the way, exposing their Obama Administration’s ICE bosses for their subversion of the constitutional laws of the United States of America, as they effectively seek to execute the DREAM Bill by the authoritarian fiat of executive order.

Such executive order dictatorship is a practice common in Hugo Chavez’ Venezuela (link to article). Fellow neo-Marxists follow similar game plans. It is no surprise that Chavez and Obama both have maintained a consultative relationship with Bill Ayers.

However, it must be very conflicting for AFGE to exist within the AFL-CIO along with their CPUSA communist collaborating boss, Richard Trumka. Further, it must be quite uncomfortable to be within AFGE as they labor to unionize the airport pornographer and private parts groping Transportation Security Administration (TSA) (and operant conditioning, see TSA article, tag).

Back to Obama’s policy in favor of an illegal immigration inundation, verbatim from

ICE Agent’s Union Speaks Out on Director’s “Discretionary Memo” Calls on the public to take action — Click Here for Full Press Release

Posted Thu, 06/23/2011 – 9:44pm by president

The Union says just as concerning is the way policies are implemented at ICE. Agents claim that under Director John Morton the agency always presents written policies for public consumption, but then makes “secret changes” to the policies which ICE refuses to put in writing. ICE knows the policy changes will create a political outcry, or could place the public or ICE officers at risk. “Our officers are already under orders not to make arrests or even talk to foreign nationals in most cases unless another agency has already arrested them; you won’t find that written in any public ICE policy.”

Click link below to see Full Press Release:

Click link below to see ICE Policy on Exercising Prosecutorial Discretion:

And this is the AFGE press release:

JUNE 23, 2011

ICE Agent’s Union Speaks Out on Director’s
“Discretionary Memo”
Calls on the public to take action

On June 11, 2010, ICE Union leaders around the nation issued a unanimous no confidence vote in ICE Director John Morton on behalf of ICE officers, agents and employees nationwide citing gross mismanagement within the Agency as well as efforts within ICE to create backdoor amnesty through agency policy. ICE Union leaders say that since the no confidence vote was released problems within the Agency have increased, citing the Director’s latest Discretionary Memo as just one example.

Any American concerned about immigration needs to brace themselves for what’s coming,” said Chris Crane, President of the National ICE Council which represents approximately 7,000 ICE agents, officers and employees,” this is just one of many new ICE policies in queue aimed at stopping the enforcement of U.S. immigration laws in the United States. Unable to pass its immigration agenda through legislation, the Administration is now implementing it through agency policy.”

Crane emphasized that agents, officers, employees and the Union had no input in these policies, “ICE and the Administration have excluded our union and our agents from the entire process of developing policies, it was all kept secret from us, we found out from the newspapers. ICE worked hand-in-hand with immigrants rights groups, but excluded its own officers.”

Agents say the policy is a “law enforcement nightmare” developed by the Administration to win votes at the expense of sound and responsible law enforcement policy. “The desires of foreign nationals illegally in the United States were the framework from which these policies were developed,” Crane said, “the result is a means for every person here illegally to avoid arrest or detention, as officers we will never know who we can or cannot arrest.”

The union says just as concerning is the way policies are implemented at ICE. Agents claim that under Director John Morton the agency always presents written policies for public consumption, but then makes “secret changes” to the policies which ICE refuses to put in writing. ICE knows the policy changes will create a political outcry, or could place the public or ICE officers at risk. “Our officers are already under orders not to make arrests or even talk to foreign nationals in most cases unless another agency has already arrested them; you won’t find that written in any public ICE policy.”

With regard to the entire idea of prosecutorial discretion, Agents say they will have none. “Tell any ICE agent he or she will have the final say on making an arrest or holding someone in custody and they’ll tell you you’re crazy, officers will be ordered not to make arrests and failure to comply will result in the end of the agent or officer’s career, that’s business as usual at ICE. It’s unfortunate but the Administration protects foreign nationals illegally in the U.S. but does nothing for our employees.” The Union also alleges that ICE Field Office Directors (FODs) have confided in the Union that when the FODs raised questions about the effectiveness of the new policies ICE Headquarters responded by telling the FODs to turn in their badges and file for retirement.

“I think the writing is on the wall for every person concerned about good government and effective immigration reforms – the things happening at ICE represent neither, said Crane, we are asking everyone to please email or call your Congressman and Senators immediately and ask them to help stop what’s happening at ICE, we desperately need your help.”

A copy of the ICE Policy on exercising Prosecutorial Discretion can be found at

The final paragraph of a missive is often the most important. We repeat it here. It is a very extraordinary assertion to be made by federal employees. It is a cry for help, to the Sovereign Citizens of the United States of America. Do they need to make it any clearer to us?

“I think the writing is on the wall for every person concerned about good government and effective immigration reforms – the things happening at ICE represent neither, said Crane, we are asking everyone to please email or call your Congressman and Senators immediately and ask them to help stop what’s happening at ICE, we desperately need your help.”


Author: Admin

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1 thought on “AFGE the ICE Union Fires Back at Obama’s Immigration Subterfuge

  1. Another step in the fundamental transformation of America onwards to a Progressive Socialist Utopian nightmare. This once again shows the grounds for the impeachment of Obama and the criminal trial of many in the administration and the czars of his as well.

    From every direction Obama and his cronies have been following the advice of Van Jones – pressure from bottom up, top down, inside out and keep applying of more and more pressure to each part of the society, the economy, the political, the medical, the military and so forth…then wait until something blows.

    They have their ‘solutions’ at the ready, awaiting for their opportune ‘problem’ to ignite and the people to cry for a saviour to make the madness end.

    Look to the history of Checklosilvakia in the 50s, and see it is happening again.

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